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Marapets is mobile friendly
too old to be on a virtual pet website
too millennial to care I guess
idek know how to spell millennial as it turns out I tried spelling it millenial, you're welcome for that information I just keep coming back on here lol. It's gonna be my legacy when I die. These pets will rot on this account until they purge it years after my death, having finally not been accessed.

I put a lot of focus on my pets vs my collections but I'm working on it. Obscene is my main boo.
  1. How I spent 30 million MPs in three days
    1st Dec 2014 12:54
    10 years, 3 months & 11 days ago
  2. Random Concoctions
    17th May 2013 12:40
    11 years, 9 months & 25 days ago
How I spent 30 million MPs in three days
10 years, 3 months & 11 days ago
1st Dec 2014 12:54

First I bought the drifty wig and fiendish horns, because they were on SS and I could *shrug* 1 mill down the drain, right off the bat.
Next, I sought out a woodland wig and eagerly offered 4 million for it because I've been wanting one forever and it's freakin' adorable *hairflip* no touchie!
Then, I stumbled upon some nice, discounted auctions and snagged a sleepy costume for 7 million, which I threw onto Dicu almost immediately. Didn't have a sleepy decadal as a goal because I didn't think I'd ever actually get one!
I bought an extra pet gift box from trades on a whim for 3.5 million, but good thing I did, because I was looking through trades yesterday and saw a baby mordo potion for 15 million! And I've ALWAYS wanted a baby mordo!!! Welcome Awde to the family, everyone!! AdoreAdore

I am now left with 500k but totally satisfied ^.^ I got the 30 mill from selling a justin plushie that took me half a year and 2,525 quests to get C:

110 years, 3 months & 11 days ago 1st Dec 2014 16:33
wow amazing!!
110 years, 3 months & 11 days ago 1st Dec 2014 15:32
It could have worked out a lot of different ways- I wanted to get a lorius maker for Tumbolt but would have had to sell my gallery to do so, almost bought an enchanted deca plushie to sell later, etc.- but I think this was best case scenario
110 years, 3 months & 11 days ago 1st Dec 2014 15:00
Hahaha wow. Nice job!! Way to et some goals done
110 years, 3 months & 11 days ago 1st Dec 2014 14:57
You ticked off quite a few of my goals in one spending session aha.

110 years, 3 months & 11 days ago 1st Dec 2014 13:50
  1. How I spent 30 million MPs in three days
    1st Dec 2014 12:54
    10 years, 3 months & 11 days ago
  2. Random Concoctions
    17th May 2013 12:40
    11 years, 9 months & 25 days ago