Read Before Contacting(:

10 years, 2 months & 6 days ago
7th Jan 2015 01:02Mail: open BUT I do not always reply. Sometimes I read it and get sidetracked and forget to respond. Feel free to mails again if this happens!! I am not trying to ignore you I am just focused on something else.
Maratalk: sure but if I do not respond please mail
Votes: No do not contact me about voting for you UNLESS you are a friend
Club: join infinity!
Pet trades: no unless I state otherwise in forums or pet trades
Gallery: not for sale unless for a missiom. Feel free to mail me we can work something out I am sure.
Friends: if we have talked before then yes.
Swaps: open to any kind of swaps do mail me if you swap
Umm.. I'm not sure what else so mail me if you have any further questions. Thank you