It will all be alright

10 years & 1 month ago
11th Feb 2015 10:40I've come back to playing Mara as a coping skill, and so far it's been working well.
Struggling with Severe Depression and Eating Disorders for years now, I've been working very hard on getting well. Recovery isn't easy at all. In fact, as I write this, I'm nervously awaiting my ride to yet another psychiatric hospital where I will be admitted for my third inpatient stay since June 2014. I'm drained, but making a lot of headway in battling my depression and eating disorder, which was a spin-off of the depression.
As of now, I've come to realize the Severe Depression I face, will most likely never disappear*. I need to accept this and cope with it. I'm making the decision to go inpatient again, because this is difficult for me to swallow. It burns, intensely.
All in all, I'm going to commit to life and do what I can to get by. I'm so grateful for this site, as it is a major tool for me- and you.
I want to be available for everyone here that may need an ear and a heart to listen and help them with their own struggles. Please, please feel free to contact me whenever you need to get anything off your mind,get something off your chest, vent, cry, or get a second opinion.
I know it's hard- so,so hard- but we can get through it. It will all be alright. <3
*of course, if they create some magic cure for it, or it eventually does go away with time and fighting, I'll be beyond elated. I cannot, however, expect that. Expecting it to go away so easily has been the reason why the first hospitalization did not remain as successful as I thought it would be. If I expect it to go away completely, I will only be more distraught when I do have an episode.