I will add or friend request during events if I think your name is cool.I always sell everything I own even attic and gallery as if its there its for a goal and not my personal hoard-willing to sell because I'm willing to be friendly-don't be rude to others who are willing to sell just because you're hoarding
slates are used for what exactly?what is their purpose and function?
oh cool
19 years, 11 months & 25 days ago 17th Mar 2015 13:32
For slate pyramid in Kamilah desert. There is 50 levels that require slates. After finishing the pyramid, your pet will change to echlin. Echlins arent popular but lots of people do the pyramid because slates are easy to earn and the prizes include AU credit.
19 years, 11 months & 25 days ago 17th Mar 2015 12:42