I will add or friend request during events if I think your name is cool.I always sell everything I own even attic and gallery as if its there its for a goal and not my personal hoard-willing to sell because I'm willing to be friendly-don't be rude to others who are willing to sell just because you're hoarding
I cant stand people who take forever deciding on trades and make you lose a mission and have to start all over again because theyre too lazy to be bothered.thats rude.
also they might not even be on at the time and then aren't able to accept
19 years, 9 months & 13 days ago 30th May 2015 22:12
whatever.its still rude to waste peoples time.and I believe the word you are looking for is greed.
19 years, 9 months & 13 days ago 30th May 2015 12:04
They arent too lazy to be bothered. They just want to make sure they want the trade offered, and that it's a fair offer.
19 years, 9 months & 14 days ago 30th May 2015 07:55
19 years, 9 months & 14 days ago 30th May 2015 01:10
agreed here
19 years, 9 months & 14 days ago 30th May 2015 00:03