I will add or friend request during events if I think your name is cool.I always sell everything I own even attic and gallery as if its there its for a goal and not my personal hoard-willing to sell because I'm willing to be friendly-don't be rude to others who are willing to sell just because you're hoarding
for those of you randomly gifting me,i would prefer books
Hiya! Are you getting alerts with these random gifts?
They may read something like: Dear pandalover The Snowman of Biala selected you to be given Red Addow Pen from ______. _______ has now sent you this item and should have completed the quest for a nice reward.
These are people who are doing Snowman quests in Biala, Which is the Quest Challenge of the week. They don't get the choice of which items to send you.
You can add items to your wishlist, that way if someone wanted to gift you for any reason they know what you are looking for!
19 years, 9 months & 13 days ago 30th May 2015 22:07