The last TC's I'm missing

9 years, 9 months & 4 days ago
11th Jun 2015 11:00I've been aiming to get them all... Just a few more and I will have my deck completed. I've put in offers to members in here but for the most part most people aren't on line to accept my offers. (I'm one of them people who need to see results ASAP) 9 times out of 10 I withdraw my offer. Here's hoping I can manage to find people online when I am and get a sale for these missings TC's.
Cake Trading Card
Conker Trading Card
Cremated Trading Card
Cupty Trading Card (purchased)
Desert Spy Trading Card
Digital Fairy Trading Card (Earned it on June 18th 2015 *I went battle nuts to get all my extra avis!

Hades Trading Card (Purchased)
Mrog Trading Card
Muscles Trading Card (purchased from Kae!

Newth Nurse Trading Card - GIVEN TO ME, by MrsPoppi
Rainbow Fairy Trading Card
Royal Fairy Trading Card
Sassilla Trading Card (Purchased)
Smuggler Trading Card