I will add or friend request during events if I think your name is cool.I always sell everything I own even attic and gallery as if its there its for a goal and not my personal hoard-willing to sell because I'm willing to be friendly-don't be rude to others who are willing to sell just because you're hoarding
does anyone on here know how to get the snooty avatar?i need it for a quest.
ok so its a mimi pet?whew
19 years, 8 months & 26 days ago 16th Jun 2015 15:24
I don't know how but I really want it!
19 years, 8 months & 26 days ago 16th Jun 2015 15:23
I'm guessing it'll be have a Snooty attached to your pet for x number of days :/ OR restock one from the minipet shop as that's what the ones from the shop usually are.
19 years, 8 months & 26 days ago 16th Jun 2015 15:20