Pancreatic Cancer Awareness

17 years, 5 months & 13 days ago
7th Oct 2007 11:03My grampa died on October 20, 2006. He had pancreas cancer. That summer he finally decided to go to the hospital, after probably a year or two of his stomach bothering him. They told him he had cancer, but by then, it was too late, it had been spreading for too long. My dad flew up to Michigan and when he got back is when we found out. But, my mom said it wasn't so bad as we wouldn't get to see him again. Then one Friday at school, my sister told me to get all my books for the weekend. I knew something was wrong, I started balling. She was like, "It doesn't mean anything's wrong, we might just go visit." I said, "I know Grandpa's going to die, or we wouldn't drive 16 hours." I was devastated. So we went to Michigan with all of our stuff. We were there for a week, then exactly a week later, my grandpa died. October 20,2006. We stayed another week, but it wasn't a vacation, it was just a time of mourning. He was 63, born January 19. What's amazing is my little cousin Jennah was born that year (or the year before, I'm not sure, but I think it was that year) and her birthday is January 19. So, a year after that birthday was in the family again, my grandpa died. So, I think it's cool that that birthday will remain in the White family. Visit PANCAN.ORG to learn more about pancreas cancer.
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