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  1. a guide for pet trading!
    7th Oct 2007 11:10
    17 years, 5 months & 7 days ago
  2. WOW!
    6th Oct 2007 11:28
    17 years, 5 months & 8 days ago
a guide for pet trading!
17 years, 5 months & 7 days ago
7th Oct 2007 11:10

I've been noticing that the pet trading forums are LEAKING with horrible offers and people not understanding pet worths. Some people don't even know the pet trading basics, so I've decided to put together a lecture with tips for trading pets. I hope this helps some first-time pet traders out there, as well as people who forgot about pet worths and what makes a good offer.

I'll start with some examples of FAIR trades:
-a le pet being traded for another le pet
-a costumed non-le pet for another costumed non-le pet
-a statted non-le for an le pet

LE means limited edition.

The forums have been full of topics with people offering all of their non-le pets for an le pet. For example, lots of board topics with these titles have been created: "OFFERING ALL MY PETS FOR A CHIBS" or "ARE MY PETS WORTH A LATI?" People who make those boards tend to have 12 non-costumed, non-le pets. Sometimes they have a poera or two, but nothing of much more value. I'm here to say that it doesn't matter if you're offering 12 million non-le pets; people are not going to trade their chibs for an offer like that. If you want an le pet, but you don't have an le to offer on one, try statting one of your pets. Different limited edition pets have different worths. For example, poeras are the cheapest of the le pets, and roflings are the most expensive. Cheaper limited edition pets are not worth pets like chibs, ercews, sindis, mordos, etc. Offering a phanty and a poera on a sindi or chibs probably isn't the best idea.

People love well-named pets. If you want to trade for a decent pet, try offering a well-named pet. What most people considered a well-named pet would be a pet with a one-word name with no underscores, numbers, or wierd symbols. Pets with names like BabyGurlPink12321312 or xXxMousie_MousexXx tend to be harder to trade than pets with names like Mikieh or Undefined (these pet names are completely made up from the top of my head, so if your pet has the same name as the above mentioned, please don't be offended. xD Just using them as examples).

Ok, now onto pet trading tips. To prevent being ripped off or pet scammed, it would be helpful to read these tips.
-You CANNOT sell pets for marapoints. You can only trade your pet for another pet.
-When participating in a pet trade, use the Eleka Trades, NOT the Pet Exchange. The Eleka Trades are the safest way to trade pets without being scammed, while the Pet Exchange is best for giving pets away to people.
-Before participating in a trade, it's best to have an idea of pet worths, ESPECIALLY if you're trading a limited edition pet. For example, if you traded your sindi for.. lets say.. a poera, and later found out that poeras are worth WAY less than sindis, it will be too late. To prevent this from happening, be sure you know which le pet is worth which. If you need help, you could always ask someone on the pet forums.
-If you aren't sure how much a certain pet is worth, DON'T TRADE! Ask around on the pet forums; people are bound to answer you. This is another way to prevent yourself from getting pet scammed, as well as prevents you from giving someone a bad offer.

Please remember, no one likes bad offers on their pets. After a long time, it gets pretty irritating. Don't be the cause of it, please; I'm (and I'm sure others are, too) tired of getting bad offers on our pets. Offer fairly. If you don't have much of an idea about how much a certain pet is worth, it's best to not trade at all.

I think I covered what needs to be covered. Please, spread this around. Copy and paste this on your blog so people can read it.

  1. a guide for pet trading!
    7th Oct 2007 11:10
    17 years, 5 months & 7 days ago
  2. WOW!
    6th Oct 2007 11:28
    17 years, 5 months & 8 days ago