Staff-purplewizard2000 is family and uses my ip address at times, please see info page. I am an adult player. None of my pets are for trade so please don't ask. To staff: purplewizard2000 plays on my computer mostly at w/e and during school holidays we sometime help each other out, so please dont ban or freeze our accounts thank you, if you need more info please don't hesitate to mm me thank you
Zelda will be 5 years old July 30th I love her to bits, she follows me around the house where ever I go, should really rename her shadow She is a x between a Labrador and a springer
18 years, 5 months & 23 days ago 12th Jun 2016 22:17
she reminds me of my sons dog, midnight, he is such a big baby and a joy to be around. he has those same big feet and they slap the ground when he walks.when my husband saw the picture of yours he thought it was midnight
18 years, 5 months & 23 days ago 12th Jun 2016 18:17
Aww thank you sweetie couldn't have done it without you
19 years, 3 months & 5 days ago 31st Aug 2015 13:59
i am so glad it worked !! she is so beautiful !
19 years, 3 months & 6 days ago 31st Aug 2015 06:49