I will add or friend request during events if I think your name is cool.I always sell everything I own even attic and gallery as if its there its for a goal and not my personal hoard-willing to sell because I'm willing to be friendly-don't be rude to others who are willing to sell just because you're hoarding
so far ive only won a few items but mostly just mp from the scout challenges.I don't know why this is.
SS is shop search
18 years, 9 months & 3 days ago 8th Jun 2016 08:53
whats ss?
18 years, 9 months & 3 days ago 8th Jun 2016 08:51
its like that unfortunately its rare to win items. just try im sure you will be able to get more items soon! anyway the event is gonna be held for a long time and even if you cant get all the items the prices should have dropped and they can be bought for SS
18 years, 9 months & 3 days ago 8th Jun 2016 08:50