Tired of people questioning my prices in trades

8 years, 5 months & 20 days ago
24th Sep 2016 07:36Look... I hate ranting but this HAS to be said as I've had SO many people dump on me...
The items I have in my trades are MINE... OK.
I own them, I can price them as I please.
I KNOW the rates for many of them... I chose my prices based on what I'd like to get... doesn't mean I will but I really don't care about that...
JUST because YOU don't like the price doesn't give you the right to question why I have it priced as I do. It doesn't give you the right to harass me, belittle me or call me stupid.

If I have an item priced at 5 million and I'm the ONLY one on line who's got something someone REALLY wants (or maybe needs) then the choice is theirs to buy or not... (this includes you)

BUT it's NOT yours to tell me I'm wrong for asking for what I want for MY items. I'm not scamming anyone by saying it's the going rate in my trades. Not by a long shot. I'm a 11 yr veteran in here. I'm aware of prices.

I'm glad you have an opinion on my item... even if you have a negative one, but I also didn't ask for it.
To those complaining about my Grey Rusty potion at 5 million... MANY plain colors are going for 5 million... Look up the pink one... (it's the same price!) There was a black one last week at the same rate as mine...Now not all of them go at that rate... but THIS just happens to be what I want for mine.. If you don't like it then DON'T buy it... I'm NOT hurting for mp and someone is bound to want what I have sooner or later, I'm in NO rush and I don't need the backlash from those who are only looking for a freebies.