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  1. Marapets stuff...
    18th Oct 2007 17:41
    17 years, 5 months & 8 days ago
  2. TRY IT TRY IT!!
    16th Oct 2007 18:11
    17 years, 5 months & 10 days ago
  3. about me.......
    15th Oct 2007 15:20
    17 years, 5 months & 11 days ago
Marapets stuff...
17 years, 5 months & 8 days ago
18th Oct 2007 17:41

"My Favorite thing to do"
My favorite thing to do is to listen to music. I listen to all kinds of music, but most of it is by Ashley Tisdale. One of my favorite songs on her album is called "You've got me goin crazy". I don't have the whole album, just most of it because I buy one song at a time from my Itunes. I'm also reading a book about her, and if you flip it over, it's a book about Zac Efron (he is soooo cute!!wink.gif. Whoever reads this, I want you to read the book, but if you're a boy, don't bother. You wouldn't like it unless you're a girly boy. Oh, and BTW, I don't like reading either. Like I said, my favorite thing to do is listen to music.

"My favorite animal"
My favorite animal is a dog. They are so cute even when they're not puppies, but I love puppies, too. I have two dogs: Duke and Daisy. They are snousers, and they especially like you for food. That's also when they make a puppy face happy.gif. Duke and Daisy always bark when they hear weird sounds. For example: door bells, when my dad knocks on the wall to tease them, and when someone is walking up to our house. I still love them no matter what!

Where did the doctor go for his vaca?

Answer: To Illinois! HAHAHAHAHAHA
I hope you had fun reading from my profile.Luv ya all! Buy!...I know, I know, I spelled bye wrong, but buy anyways!!

  1. Marapets stuff...
    18th Oct 2007 17:41
    17 years, 5 months & 8 days ago
  2. TRY IT TRY IT!!
    16th Oct 2007 18:11
    17 years, 5 months & 10 days ago
  3. about me.......
    15th Oct 2007 15:20
    17 years, 5 months & 11 days ago