Duplicate 2016 Halloween Events Items (For Trade)

8 years, 5 months & 8 days ago
5th Oct 2016 03:18 Undying FestivalAutumn Glowing Egg
Daisy Glowing Egg
Daisy Pinecone Craft x5
Daisy Potato
Daisy Scarecrow x7
Golden Apple Cider x6
Halloween Daisy Burger x1
Haunted Daisy Plushie x2
Haunted Spirit Charm x2
Mango Gelato x6
Pistachio Gelato x3
Silky Cobweb Songs
Split Vera Wig
Stracciatella Gelato x5
Strawberry Gelato x7
Tiramisu Gelato x3
Undead Bones x3
Undying Festival 2016 Stamp x1
Undying Pancakes x2
Vera Wig x1
Pumpkin of GoldBad Trick or Treat Loot x1
Eye Bandage x3
Eyeball Balloon x3
Giant Gummy Rat x5
Possessed Doll
Unholy Tie x2
Elger's Trick or TreatBlood Moon Stamp
Blood Witch Ice Cream
Bloody Finger Hot Dog
Cobweb Cotton Candy x1
Elger Broom x1
Elger Kitty
Elger Kitty Hat
Elger Kitty Tail
Marshmallow Ghosts
Spirit Board x1
Spooky Skeleton Songs
Vomit Witch Ice Cream
Witch Doll
Halloween AlienAlien Glowing Egg
Baby Bat Hair Extensions
Bone Scythe
Brain Desk Lamp
Crossed Hair Clip
Old Spider Cream Puff
Beelzebub 2016 PrizeBeelzebub Candycorn
Beelzebub Glowing Egg
Beelzebub Summoning Tome
Beelzebub Trident
Cerberus Plushie
Pumpkin Hunt2016 Pumpkin
Black Pumpkin
Blue Pumpkin
Blueberry Pumpkin Ice Pop
Boo Pumpkin
Brain Witch Ice Cream
Caramel Apple Custard
Cherry Pumpkin Ice Pop
Classic Pumpkin
Colon Overscore Parenthesis Pumpkin
Dark Chocolate Pumpkin Lolly
Eyru Pumpkin
Fancy Pumpkin Cupcake
Flat Pumpkin
Green Pumpkin
Grey Pumpkin
Halloween Parfait
Halloween Striped Tie
Handmade Chocolate Pumpkin
Haunted Contact Lenses
Heart Pumpkin
Judgemental Pumpkin
LOL Pumpkin
Limax Pumpkin
Lime Pumpkin Ice Pop
Marshmallow Pumpkins
Milk Chocolate Pumpkin Lolly
Mint Chocolate Pumpkin Lolly
Not Impressed Pumpkin
Orange Chocolate Pumpkin Lolly
Orange Pumpkin
Phantom Fasoro
Phantom Quell
Pretty Pumpkin
Puffy Pumpkin Bread
Pumpkin Headphones
Pumpkin Hot Chocolate
Pumpkin Ice Pop
Pumpkin Loaf
Pumpkin Notebook
Pumpkin Pie Book
Pumpkin Spice Custard
Purple Pumpkin
Red Pumpkin
Scarecrow Plushie
Short Cape
Short Vampire Cape
Small Face Pumpkin
Spider Dress
Spider Skirt
Spider Web Pumpkin Soup
Sweet Potato Cinnamon Custard
Teal Pumpkin
Traumatised Pumpkin
White Chocolate Pumpkin Lolly
White Pumpkin
Yakubi Pumpkin
Yellow Pumpkin
Character Trick or TreatBat Purse
Bikini Top
Black Twozzlers
Buttertoe Snax
Candycorn Custard
Dark Chocolate Kitty Head
Devil Sword
Flaming Phoenix
Frankenstein Plushie
Grim Reaper Hanging Decoration
Haunted Book
Molasses Custard
Old Werewolf Dentures
Scale Shorts
Slig Plushie
Spooky Kitty Bread
Tombstone Stamp
White Chocolate Kitty Head
Wiggly Ghost Inflatable
Halloween SnowmanApple Snowcone
Blackberry Snowcone
Bride of Frankenstein Wig
Cola Snowcone
Fall Boots
Giant Spider Plushie
Human Voodoo Plushie
Long Cape
Long Vampire Cape
Mint Snowcone
Orange Snowcone
Peach Snowcone
Phantom Chibs
Phantom Lati
Spider Juice