Msng avies and the solutions via

7 years, 11 months & 15 days ago
26th Mar 2017 17:59========================================================================================================
December 6, 2017
You have collected 1,703 Hidden Avatars
You are missing 36 Hidden Avatars
Businessman==Have a pet with Buisnessman job accept a promotion Level 5
Doctor==Have a pet with Doctor job accept a promotion Level 7
Drew==Complete 50 Drew quests.
Dumpling==(SPAM Fairy Prize)(View the spam fairy page if u have been rewarded dumpling already)
Fireman==Have a pet with Fireman job accept a promotion Level 8.
Forest Fairy ==Have a pet with 500+ Play Collection then view its Play List
Griffin==Have a pet with 900+ Coordination stats and visit Griffin
Journalist==Have a pet with Journalist job accept a promotion Level 9.
Mechanic==Have a pet with Mechanic job accept a promotion Level 10
Model==Have a pet with Model job accept a promotion Level 11.
Neon==Use a Neon Costume on one of your pets
Plushie Fairy==Collect 1000+ Plushies in your Plushie Collection
Policeman==Have a pet with Policeman job accept a promotion Level 12.
Programmer==Have a pet with Programmer job accept a promotion Level 13
Punk Xoi==Win 225 battles
Qikre==Win 280 battles
Queen Bee==Complete 250 Queen Bee quests
Secret Santa==Complete 200 Secret Santa Quests
Shusan==Complete 200 Shusan Quests
Simerian Excavator==Complete 200 quests
Slater Stalker==Complete 1000 quests
Soldier==Have a pet with Soldier job accept a promotion Level 14.
Spy==Have a pet with Spy job accept a promotion Level 15.
Sumo Champion==Complete 1000 or more quests
Swine==Battle Swine in Sewer Struggle game when opponent has 30 HP
Teacher==Have a pet with Teacher job accept a promotion Level 16.
Terrorantula==Add Terrorantula Trading Card to your Deck and view the page with the Terrorantula Trading Card.
Tuin==Win 310 battles
Twigee==Win 240 battles
Veterinarian==Have a pet with Veterinarian job accept a promotion Level 17.
Warrior==Win 50,000+ battles then view the Stats tab on your profile
Wizadrip==Win 260 battles
Zeew==Win 270 battles