7 years, 9 months & 14 days ago
28th May 2017 13:05175 Plush Puffs
200 7,500MP
225 Staff of the Plushie Fairy
250 10,000MP
275 Patched Balloon
300 12,500MP
325 Ball of Plushie Yarn
350 15,000MP
375 Plushie Feliz Stamp
400 17,500MP
425 Toodles
450 20,000MP
475 Book of Patches
500 22,500MP
525 Plushie Booster
550 25,000MP
575 Plushie Fairy Doll
600 27,500MP
625 Button Contact Lenses
650 30,000MP
675 Plushie Fairy Bracelet
700 32,500MP
725 Plushie Dress
750 35,000MP
775 Plushie Club
800 37,500MP
825 Plushie Feliz Toy
850 40,000MP
875 Plushie Feliz Mask
900 42,500MP
925 Plushie Feliz Costume
950 45,000MP
975 Plushie Shirt
1,000 47,500MP
1,025 Plushie Fairy Cupcake
1,050 50,000MP
1,075 Plushie Fairy Wings
1,100 52,500MP
1,125 Plushie Feliz Hat
1,150 55,000MP
1,175 Plushie Fairy Trading Card
1,200 57,500MP
1,225 Plushie Fairy Game
1,250 60,000MP
1,275 5 Strength, Defence & Speed Stats for all of your Pets
1,300 62,500MP
1,325 Plushie Fairy Photo
1,350 65,000MP
1,375 5 Coordination, Stamina & Balance Stats for all of your Pets
1,400 67,500MP
1,425 Plushie Fairy Sugar Cube
1,450 70,000MP
1,475 Fake Plushie Costume
1,500 75,000MP