Loss is like the heaviest burden to carry.
It's heavy because you're so full of "I love you"'s and "I miss you"'s and wishes never said out loud. You're full of tears and dirty tissues and old memories. You struggle to remember their voice because the grief is like a thick cloud and you're terrified you'll never recover. Loss is an empty room with an empty bed and a familiar jacket hanging on a hook.
Loss is so, so heavy.
Your legs feel like you're walking through water. It's so needless but so necessary. You have to keep going. You have to keep striving and trying and staying determined to see the next day through. Not just for the loved ones that remain, but for YOU. You have to have faith that tomorrow will bring a better day (eventually).
You have to remember the good things in this life. Like puppies, good food, rain...
A lot of days are going to be challenging. Maybe even the most difficult you'll ever face. But try to remember that you won't always feel so heavy and weighted down.
<3 <3
17 years, 4 months & 21 days ago 22nd Oct 2017 10:46
17 years, 4 months & 21 days ago 22nd Oct 2017 10:45