Unavailable from 11:00 Mara time to 18:00 Mara time coz it's sleeping time :pHi.. This is SWETA.
25+ years old
Country :INDIA
Thank you for making this lovely art asirpa <3 made by the lovely ZoeGomez
Not a very active player as of now but would love to chat when possible. :)
If there's something in my gallery you urgently need,I can lend it you.. provided you promise to replace it.
Can lend my pet(s) but they are not up for trade unless I say so.
I don't mind lending stuff as long as you send me a Mara Mail saying that you will replace it ASAP and try your best to return the item within a week Got a new phone from which I will be logging on mostly, so staff are requested not to ban my account for using multiple devices, thanks Unavailable from 11:00 Mara time to 18:00 Mara time coz it's sleeping time :p
MT and MM are welcome (:
For Staff : My brother and sister have accounts here. We log in from the same computer(s).We also log in from differnt phones and computers at our uncle's place etc. Please don't ban us. their usernames are - accha and SweetestSweety
I login from several devices.
MM me if you need something or just want to chat (:
Can add me on FB if you like ^^
P.s.- just got a new phone so that is going to be a new IP address from which I will log on. Please don't ban.
P.p.s.- got a laptop, so I'll be using that to login :D
So, this is a new blog for birthdays for the current ATM members. If you want your birthday to be displayed here (and eventually in our club calendar) please let me know!
Just fill out the following :
UN- Nickname- Birthday- Country- Hobbies/Something about yourself- Mara Aspirations-
p.s.- If you feel like you can only let us know the first three.. ignore the other stuff
UN - cutebutpsycho07 Nickname - Jenn Birthday 1 February Country - USA Hobbies - Mara, reading, playing video games, etc. Mara Aspirations - nothing really specific lol
I'm SpringLilac My nickname is Dee My birthday is July 25th I live in the United States I love to read and collect rocks and shells I volunteer a couple of times a week as an aquarium guide Mara aspirations for now - to advance past level 50 of the Progress Goals
UN- qwilt Nickname- you can call me qwilt, if you want to call me something else my irl nick names are either VV (that's two V s lol) or Bunny. Smile Birthday- 8 December Country- USA Hobbies/Something about yourself- I have a husband and an 11 yo son Smile Mara Aspirations- I just want to keep working on my pets, training them. And eventually I would like to add a crikey into my family here. Smile
UN - DayravenB Nickname - Raven, Day, Dayraven Birthday - 27 March Country - Canada Hobbies - I love Mara! I have a family and a full-time job. Mara Aspirations- Currently working on gourmet foods and transformations for 2 of my pets.
UN- jennna Nickname jen birthday 25th of july, country UK, hobbies- computing mara inspo- having my gallery filled with enchanted plushies
UN - mcguire2006 Nickname- Chris Birthday- 23 July Country- USA Hobbies- Mara-Reading-Cooking Mara Aspirations- Full filling all my main pet goals
UN: CJ Nickname: CJ Birthday: March 29 Country: USA Hobbies: Movies, TV, Video Games. Mara Aspirations: Complete Goals, Get all plushies
UN- Zeichii/Hiatus are my main usernames Nickname- Ashley Birthday- March 30 Country- Canada Hobbies/Something about yourself- I like to draw, eat and sleep Silly will be in university to become a 3d animator Mara Aspirations- To fill my gallery with art related items especially splatter and sketch!! AdoreAdoreAdore
UN- Palmtrees Nickname- Sarah Birthday- Jan 19 Country- USA Hobbies/Something about yourself- I love cooking vegetarian & vegan foods and making things from scratch. Mara Aspirations- Collect all of the avatars!
UN ~ victorianartist Birthday ~ January 7 USA, Oregon Art, Designing Pet Clothes, Sewing, Drawing, Graphics, Would love to get past 50 of Progress Goals; have 1 of each Rofling
UN- prettyangelz Nickname- pretty, angelz or Chi Birthday- January 28 Country- UK Hobbies/Something about yourself- Avid Anime fan, love to bake/cook and eat lol Mara Aspirations- Work on Pet and Mara Collections
UN- Taylor245 Nickname- Taylor Birthday- July 18 Country- United States Hobbies/Something about yourself- I ride horses and work/live at a horse farm in the heart of wine country in California! Mara Aspirations- To finish all goal levels (the worlds and progress) and get a Decadal!
UN- LinkinPark/iPod/Supernatural Nickname- iPod Birthday- 8/29 Country- USA Hobbies/Something about yourself- Ilike cats, music, and candy! Mara Aspirations- Collect ALL the mini pets!
UN..GRUMPYBOSTON NICKNAME...Vickie BIRTHDAY... 5/28 COUNTRY..Usa HOBBIES...Listen to new kids on the block,Watching tv, playing marapets Mara Aspiration to get more avays and go up some levels and learn new things
UN- etrnldarkness Nickname- N/A Birthday- August 17th Country- USA Hobbies/Something about yourself- I love to read, write, and shop! I also play with the kids and keep them entertained while keeping them alive. ^_~ Mara Aspirations- Working on Foxiness for battling!
UN- SwetaNew Nickname- Sweta Birthday- 18 November Country- India Hobbies/Something about yourself- I\'m an introvert and mostly lurk around Mara Aspirations- Varied. I don\'t have a specific goal but I enjoy doing a little of everything
UN ~ victorianartist Birthday ~ January 7 USA, Oregon Art, Designing Pet Clothes, Sewing, Drawing, Graphics, Would love to get past 50 of Progress Goals; have 1 of each Rofling
15 years, 8 months & 22 days ago 21st Jun 2019 19:56
UN- Palmtrees Nickname- Sarah Birthday- Jan 19 Country- USA Hobbies/Something about yourself- I love cooking vegetarian & vegan foods and making things from scratch. Mara Aspirations- Collect all of the avatars!
15 years, 8 months & 22 days ago 21st Jun 2019 19:52
UN- Zeichii/Hiatus are my main usernames Nickname- Ashley Birthday- March 30 Country- Canada Hobbies/Something about yourself- I like to draw, eat and sleep will be in university to become a 3d animator Mara Aspirations- To fill my gallery with art related items especially splatter and sketch!!
15 years, 8 months & 22 days ago 21st Jun 2019 14:57
UN: CJ Nickname: CJ Birthday: March 29 Country: USA Hobbies: Movies, TV, Video Games. Mara Aspirations: Complete Goals, Get all plushies
15 years, 8 months & 22 days ago 21st Jun 2019 14:49
UN - mcguire2006 Nickname- Chris Birthday- 23 July Country- USA Hobbies- Mara-Reading-Cooking Mara Aspirations- Full filling all my main pet goals
15 years, 8 months & 22 days ago 21st Jun 2019 14:48
UN - DayravenB Nickname - Raven, Day, Dayraven Birthday - 27 March Country - Canada Hobbies - I love Mara! I have a family and a full-time job. Mara Aspirations- Currently working on gourmet foods and transformations for 2 of my pets.
15 years, 8 months & 22 days ago 21st Jun 2019 14:40
UN- qwilt Nickname- you can call me qwilt, if you want to call me something else my irl nick names are either VV (that's two V s lol) or Bunny. Birthday- 8 December Country- USA Hobbies/Something about yourself- I have a husband and an 11 yo son Mara Aspirations- I just want to keep working on my pets, training them. And eventually I would like to add a crikey into my family here.
15 years, 8 months & 22 days ago 21st Jun 2019 14:22
Thanks for doing this, Sweta. I'm SpringLilac My nickname is Dee My birthday is July 25th I live in the United States I love to read and collect rocks and shells I volunteer a couple of times a week as an aquarium guide Mara aspirations for now - to advance past level 50 of the Progress Goals
15 years, 8 months & 22 days ago 21st Jun 2019 14:11
UN - cutebutpsycho07 Nickname - Jenn Birthday 1 February Country - USA Hobbies - Mara, reading, playing video games, etc. Mara Aspirations - nothing really specific lol
15 years, 8 months & 22 days ago 21st Jun 2019 06:06