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10:00:12 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly

Online status deceptive as I rarely log out.

Unavailable from 11:00 Mara time to 18:00 Mara time coz it's sleeping time :p Hi.. This is SWETA.
25+ years old
Country :INDIA

Thank you for making this lovely art asirpa <3
2a60dw2.gif made by the lovely ZoeGomez

Not a very active player as of now but would love to chat when possible. :)

If there's something in my gallery you urgently need,I can lend it you.. provided you promise to replace it.
Can lend my pet(s) but they are not up for trade unless I say so.

I don't mind lending stuff as long as you send me a Mara Mail saying that you will replace it ASAP and try your best to return the item within a week
Got a new phone from which I will be logging on mostly, so staff are requested not to ban my account for using multiple devices, thanks
Unavailable from 11:00 Mara time to 18:00 Mara time coz it's sleeping time :p

MT and MM are welcome (:

For Staff : My brother and sister have accounts here. We log in from the same computer(s).We also log in from differnt phones and computers at our uncle's place etc. Please don't ban us. their usernames are - accha and SweetestSweety

I login from several devices.
MM me if you need something or just want to chat (:
Can add me on FB if you like ^^

P.s.- just got a new phone so that is going to be a new IP address from which I will log on. Please don't ban.
P.p.s.- got a laptop, so I'll be using that to login :D
  1. NTS Avvies
    10th May 2018 23:38
    6 years, 10 months & 2 days ago
  2. Bingo Logs
    8th May 2018 09:15
    6 years, 10 months & 5 days ago
  3. Enchanted Plushie Machine log of good plushies
    11th Apr 2018 00:53
    6 years, 11 months & 1 day ago
  4. Extract Enpiah Records
    28th Mar 2018 01:04
    6 years, 11 months & 15 days ago
  5. Selfies
    20th Mar 2018 08:57
    6 years, 11 months & 23 days ago
  6. Quest log
    19th Mar 2018 10:56
    6 years, 11 months & 23 days ago
  7. Thank You Dani
    10th Mar 2018 10:09
    7 years & 3 days ago
  8. Missions Log
    7th Mar 2018 04:35
    7 years & 7 days ago
  9. Blitzen mission completed
    23rd Feb 2018 01:12
    7 years & 19 days ago
  10. Personal thank you blog (:
    2nd Jan 2018 18:58
    7 years, 2 months & 9 days ago
ATM 2.0 Secret Santa contest
3 months & 13 hrs ago
11th Dec 2024 19:39

Bebbs- (9868 to
Teramarie- (798 to
Nina19-(1637 to
Bluetaz01 (68 to
Indale (461 to
Mccandles(2771 to
Tazluvr(490 to 700)
Gwylynnsgarden (9622 to 10465)
Cygnet (6622 to 7066)
Dani (7300 to
FriendshipRecipe (750 to 1100)
Coolwyngs(236 to
DayravenB (1438 to
Gaereth (2618 to 2779)
Nicecat (2296 to 2677)
Katiebean (1980 to 3185)
Slayerwolf (2630 to to 3200)
Jello_queen (2615 to
Inspirit74 (1730 to
Vedette (116 to
Gold (456 to
Heya! As y'all know the Secret Santa event of Marapets has begun.
Christmas is incomplete without gifts and it's so fun to open the little packets of surprises. ^_^
In the spirit of the gifting season and to make sure that we all have plenty of gifts to open this Christmas Eve/day on mara, we are going to hold a secret Santa quest contest. Wide Grin

1. This contest will begin from Saturday. (14th December 2024 at 00:00 maratime)

2. Before the contest begins, you will have to post on this blog your username and the current count of your Secret Santa quest.
Swetanew- START- You have completed 3,405 Secret Santa quests.

3. It will go on till December 26th.(it will end as soon as the secret Santa event on marapets ends)

4. After the event ends or after you feel like you've done as many as you would have liked, post the current quest count.
Swetanew- START- You have completed 3,405 Secret Santa quests.
END- You have completed 3,435 Secret Santa quests.

I'll be checking the quest counts and declaring the winners based on the number of quests done. The highest number of quests done will get you the first prize and so on. Smile

Annnd you can join in anytime in this contest! But the end date will be final. So get going!


1st place--Nimbus Cloud
2nd place- Elegant pumps
3rd place- Neck bow
4th place- Haunted skirt

In case of a tie, a random generator will be used to decide the winner. If two people get tied for the first prize, using a random name generator one name will be picked and the other will be awarded the second place prize.

2024 Halloween Snowman
4 months, 12 days & 11 hrs ago
30th Oct 2024 22:11

Start: You have completed 10,936 Snowman quests

08-12-2024- You have completed 6,308 Santa Claws quests.

ATM 2.0 Club Trick Or Treat Registration
5 months, 14 days & 23 hrs ago
27th Sep 2024 10:02

Hello clubbies!

Like every year we're back with the annual club Trick Or Treat! As you might know Dani has been the one to hold this event the past years but this time I've been given the opportunity to host this Smile

Like Dani mentioned in her previous ToT blogs, you all get to visit other people's blogs to leave them a message in the comments and send them a trick or a treat. Your message can be a story, it can be simply "Happy Maraween.. (Item name) has been sent to (username)".
You may visit other people more than once if you wish.

You can write stories..if you like. They are fun to read Wide Grin
I had a lovely player write this one on my blog last year "Swetanew shivered as the chill wind whipped around her. As she made her way to Dani's house she wondered if it was even worth it to be out trick or treating on this cold night. Suddenly she heard clicking. Puzzled she kept walking forward and she jumped when she saw the skeletons dancing in the wind. Their bones clicking together as they moved. The moonlight shone on them, making the bones almost glow in the night. She made her way through the skeletons and walked up to the front porch. Dani wasn't home (so sorry had some business to attend to) so she had left a bowl out with a sign saying "Please take one." Swetanew reached into the bowl and pulled out a skeleton cookie. Skeleton Cookie has been sent to Swetanew"

Another member wrote McCandles loved trick or treating on Maraween, so excited to see how her friends have decorated. As a treat Haunted Comics was sent to Swetanew

Orrrr you can trick a fellow clubbie with a message like this Happy Halloween!!!!


**runs up to your house and pelts eggs at it*** Muahahahaaa!!

You can be as creative as you want or you can keep it sweet and simple! Just have fun with it. ^_^

Few things to remember:-

#You do not have to trick or treat the entire list of people, but I hope that everyone who participate does trick or treat the full list.

#Please keep the treats a reasonable value.

#Keep in mind that if you participate you may or may not get equal or greater value tricks and treats. This is meant to be a fun little club activity, and is not a guarantee that you will receive high priced items or things off your wish list.

#When registration closes this page will have a full list of all participants as well as the address of their blogs to make things easier and so everyone can find who's participating at a glance.

#The registration will begin on 3rd October MST and close on 13th October.

#Considering the condition of blogs, I request all participants to write their username and then follow it with the link for their blog.

#The event will begin on 15th October and run till 31st October.

#Members having fun and decorative blogs and members getting into the spirit of the event will get special prizes as well!

Remember to have fun!!

Here's a list of the blogs that are geared up for you to visit:-















JOB PERKS (To keep track)
1 year, 3 months & 29 days ago
14th Nov 2023 08:35

Double Magazines- Actress, Popstar
Double Newspapers- Astronaut, Journalist
Double Plates- Athlete, Chef
Double Photos-Model, Policeman
Free Hospital- Doctor, Veterinarian
Free Hotel- Politician, Businessman
No School Fees- Architect, Scientist, Teacher
Free Dental- Mechanic, Soldier
2 for 1 Raffle Tickets- Banker, Hacker, Programmer
No Circus Tickets- Clown, Fireman
Half Price Prison- Spy, Thief

  1. NTS Avvies
    10th May 2018 23:38
    6 years, 10 months & 2 days ago
  2. Bingo Logs
    8th May 2018 09:15
    6 years, 10 months & 5 days ago
  3. Enchanted Plushie Machine log of good plushies
    11th Apr 2018 00:53
    6 years, 11 months & 1 day ago
  4. Extract Enpiah Records
    28th Mar 2018 01:04
    6 years, 11 months & 15 days ago
  5. Selfies
    20th Mar 2018 08:57
    6 years, 11 months & 23 days ago
  6. Quest log
    19th Mar 2018 10:56
    6 years, 11 months & 23 days ago
  7. Thank You Dani
    10th Mar 2018 10:09
    7 years & 3 days ago
  8. Missions Log
    7th Mar 2018 04:35
    7 years & 7 days ago
  9. Blitzen mission completed
    23rd Feb 2018 01:12
    7 years & 19 days ago
  10. Personal thank you blog (:
    2nd Jan 2018 18:58
    7 years, 2 months & 9 days ago