NTS Avvies

6 years, 10 months & 2 days ago
10th May 2018 23:38 Pet & Minipet Related Avatars 25 to Life Avatar
View the pet profile of one of your pets that has been Imprisoned 25+ times.
Alen Avatar
Random when attaching an Alen to your pet.
Anlur Avatar
Attach an Anlur to a Vixen pet then view the minipet.
Arizona Avatar
Attach an Arizona to a Fire pet then view the minipet.
Balloonimal Avatar
Attach a Balloonimal to a Pinata pet then view the minipet.
Bearger Avatar
Feed your pet a Bearger and then view the page within that pet\'s Gourmet Food List where its located.
Beige Avatar
Feed any Food with the word \"Beige\" in the name to a Beige pet. (Does not include drinks.)
Blub Avatar
Attach a Blub to a Water pet then view the minipet.
Bugsy Avatar
Attach a Bugsy to a Minipet pet then view the minipet.
Bullo Avatar
Attach a Bullo to a Daisy pet then view the minipet.
Buttercream Avatar
Feed your pet a Buttercream and then view the page within that pet\'s Gourmet Food List where its located.
Carnie Avatar
Get your pet a Clown job and collect it\'s income.
Cheese Avatar
Feed a Cheese Marapop to a Cheese pet.
Chibi Avatar
Dress up your Character in a Chibs Costume and attach a Chibi to your pet. (Must be wearing costume of layer 2 or 3.)
Chibs Warrior Avatar
Own a level 51+ chibs, battle with it and then view it\'s profile.
Chocolate Avatar
Feed a Chocolate to a Chocolate Pet.
Clown Avatar
Use a Balloon on a Clown Pet.
Dasher Avatar
Attach a Dasher to a Snowy pet then view the minipet.
Devil Avatar
Have a Devil pet with Staff of the Devil attached and then view your pet\'s weapon page.
Easter Avatar
Attach an Easter minipet to an Easter pet then view the minipet.
Efall Avatar
Have an Efall in your gallery and then view your gallery. (gallery doesn\'t need to be empty)
Elektro Avatar
Attach an Elektro to a Lightning pet then view the minipet.
Elf Avatar
Own an Elf pet, then click on an Elf Costume in your inventory and click \"use\" but don\'t use it.
Fat Avatar
Feed a Fast Food item to a Fat pet.
Fatty Avatar
Attach 5 different colored Fattys to your pet and then view your pet. (Must be Fatty, Blue Fatty, Green Fatty, Pink fatty, & Red Fatty)
Festival Avatar
Have a Festival minipet in your inventory and click on it.
Fidge Avatar
Attach a Pink Fidge to your pet then view the minipet.
Fiffo Avatar
Attach a Fiffo to your pet then view the minipet.
Fild Avatar
Attach a Fild to a limited edition pet.
Fire Avatar
Equip the Flaming Weapons set (axe, shield, fan, and hammer) to a Fire pet then view the weapons.
Flayee Avatar
Get a Flayee from the Pot of Gold.
Floof Avatar
Attach Floof minipet to a Hairy pet then view the minipet.
Fraggle Avatar
Feed your pet a Fraggle and then view the page within that pet\'s Gourmet Food List where its located.
Glaxis Avatar
Feed your pet a Glaxis and then view the page within that pet\'s Gourmet Food List where its locates.
Glitch Avatar
Attach a Glitch to an Arcade Decadal pet then view the minipet.
Googlag Avatar
Unattach a Googlag from a Mutant colored pet.
Grouchy Avatar
Have a Green Grouchy in your inventory and click on it.
Hacker Avatar
View the profile of a Digital pet with a Hacker job.
Happy Avatar
View the profile of a Gold Reese that is 100% Happy.
Hart Avatar
Attach a Hart to a Valentine pet then view the minipet.
Heart Avatar
Attach a Heart to a Love pet then view the minipet.
Hot Dawg Avatar
Have a Hot Dawg in your inventory and click on it.
I Love My Minipet Avatar
Attach any minipet to a Love pet.
Inferno Avatar
Attach an Inferno to a Fire pet then view the minipet.
Koob Avatar
Attach a Koob to a Scout pet then view the minipet.
Kuork Avatar
Search Kuork on the slow shop search when you have one for sale in your shop for 500,000mp.
Laiyee Avatar
View your pet when it has 5 laiyees attached to it.
Lambit Avatar
Attach a Lambit to an Easter pet then take a Photo at the Photo Parlour.
Lela Avatar
Attach a Lela to your pet then view the minipet.
Liam Avatar
Attach a Liam minipet to a Rotten colored pet and then view the minipet.
Liiing Avatar
Bid on Liiing in a Club Member Only auction.
Lubedore Avatar
Attach an Lubadore minipet to a Love pet then view the minipet.
Lustress Avatar
Attach a Lustress to a Valentine pet then view the minipet.
Maeven Avatar
Attach Maeven to Midnight pet then view the minipet.
Magenta Avatar
Feed any Food with the word \"Magenta\" in the name to a Magenta pet. (Does not include drinks.)
Mermaid Avatar
Feed Sushi to any Mermaid pet.
Minifoot Avatar
Have a Minifoot minipet in your Inventory and Click on it.
Mintcream Avatar
Feed your pet a Mintcream and then view the page within that pet\'s Gourmet Food List where its located.
Miort Avatar
Attach a Miort to your pet then view the minipet.
Mugen Avatar
Attach a Mugen to your pet.
Naoen Avatar
Send a Naoen to someone.
Napoleon Avatar
Have 10 Napoleons in your Gallery then view your Gallery.
Negative Avatar
Take a photo of a Negative Pet at the Photo Parlour.
Neglected Avatar
Visit the Hospital when ALL your pets are sick. (You can make all your pets sick by Failing a Fates Mission.)
Nesasio Avatar
Attach a Nesasio to your pet then view the minipet.
Nicky Avatar
Unattach a Nicky minipet from a Fire pet.
Olvic Avatar
Attach an Olvic to your pet then view the minipet.
Pat Avatar
Attach a Pat to a Leprechaun pet then view the minipet.
Patrick Avatar
Attach a Patrick to a Leprechaun pet then view the minipet.
Phantasm Avatar
Attach a Phantasm to a Phantom pet then view the minipet.
Photo Parlour Avatar
Take a photo of a Shaved Walee at the Photo Parlour.
Pinto Avatar
Attach a Pinto to your pet then view the minipet.
Pirate Avatar
View the Profile of a Pirate Pet you own.
Pixie Dice Avatar
Play Pixie Dice with a Pixie colored pet and win a stat.
Plague Avatar
Attach Plague to a Basil then view the minipet.
Poco Avatar
Attach a Poco to a Millionaire pet then view the minipet.
Polar Avatar
Attach a Polar to a Polar pet then view the minipet.
Pumpking Avatar
Attach a Pumpking to a Halloween pet then view the minipet.
Punk Avatar
Attach a Punk to a Punk pet then view the minipet.
Purple Avatar
View the Profile of a Purple Pet you own.
Purrfect Avatar
Feed a Purrfect Candy Heart to a Chibs.
Rainbow Avatar
Attach a Rainbow Zax to a Rainbow pet then view the minipet.
Red Avatar
Feed a Red Gumball to a Red Addow.
Robot Avatar
Accept a Robot Pet through a Pet Exchange.
Rweek Avatar
Buy a Rweek from a Usershop.
Scary Avatar
View the Profile of a Zombie Yakubi you own.
Scrooge Avatar
Buy a Scrooge from a Usershop for 1mp.
Skiddy Avatar
Attach a Skiddy to a Skater pet then view the minipet.
Snooty Avatar
Attach a Snooty to a Princess pet then view the minipet.
Snuggles Avatar
Attach a Snuggles to a Polar Pet then view the minipet.
Springo Avatar
Attach a Springo minipet to an Easter pet then view the minipet.
Starry Avatar
Have a Starry pet play with a Rarity 7 or higher star.
Stoneage Avatar
View the Profile of a Stoneage Pet that is level 49 or higher.
Sugar Buzz Avatar
Feed any Candy Heart to a Candy pet.
Super Hero Avatar
Attach a Superhero to a Superhero pet then view the minipet.
Superhero Avatar
Take your Superhero pet to the Ice Caves.
Swoop Avatar
Attach a Swoop to a Nimbus pet then view the minipet.
Teal Avatar
Feed any Food with the word \"Teal\" in the name to a
Teal pet. (Does not include drinks.)
Toddler Avatar
Own 3 Toddler Pets and then view your pets page.
Toki Avatar
Have a Toki in your inventory and click on it.
Tundra Avatar
Attach any Winter minipet to a Tundra pet then view the minipet.
Turkiye Avatar
Attach a Turkiye to a Gobble pet then view the minipet.
Tut Avatar
Attach a Tut to a Desert pet then view the minipet.
Twinkle Avatar
Attach a Twinkle to a Sparkle pet then view the minipet.
Unlucky Avatar
Unattach an Unlucky minipet from a Voodoo pet.
Ush Avatar
Have 2 Ush in your Gallery and then view your Gallery.
Valentino Avatar
Attach a Valentino to your Valentine pet then view the minipet.
Vamps Avatar
Attach a Vamps to your Vampire pet then view the minipet.
Vile Avatar
Attach a Vile to your Villain pet then view the minipet.
Volum Avatar
Have 100 volums in your attic.
Vorto Avatar
Attach a Vorto to a Vortex pet and then view the minipet.
Water Avatar
Feed a Water Crystal to your Water pet.
Weiji Avatar
Attach a Weiji to a Voodoo pet then view the minipet.
What The Floof? Avatar
Use any Ball of Yarn on a Floof minipet.
Wide Pride Avatar
Have 2500+ Gourmet Food feed to a Quell pet and then view that pets Gourmet Food Collection.
Wise Walee Avatar
Visit the Wise Walee in Foxfire Forest when you own the same color and species of Marapet as has been selected for that day.
Wizard Avatar
Equip a healing potion to a wizard pet.
Zarplet Avatar
Feed your pet a Zarplet and then view the page within that pet\'s Gourmet Food List where its located.
Zax Avatar
Attach a Zax to a pet of the same color.
Zound Avatar
View your shop when you have 2 zounds for sale at 500,000mp.
p.s.- This list has been taken from Spiceoloidmime\'s site. Thank you to them!