ATM 2.0 Halloween Dressup Week 2
4 years, 4 months & 25 days ago

18th Oct 2020 06:57
Dear ATM 2.0 members,
Thank you so much for coming together and making the 1st week of maraween party a success!
I'm happy to announce that no more evil clowns have attempted to contact any of our clubbies in the past few days. We're hoping that they are gone for good.
However all this planning and plotting by King Baspinar and Queen Eleka does not bode well for the peace of Mara. It feels like a war is inevitable.
And like it is with every war we get involved in, we will have to take sides.
Although we never support or encourage any kind of war but we can't help but wonder about who might win if a war actually happens.
Who do you think will win the war(if there's one) and why?
For Week 2 of the ATM 2.0 Halloween party. ..
Dress up as a soldier or supporter of Team Eleka or Team Baspinar and write a few lines as to why you think they have the advantage over the other if they go head to head.
Have fun dressing up! ^_^
There will be 3 prizes for the best entries!
1st prize- Cursed Glowing Egg and 750k club points
2nd prize- Pumpkin Glowing Egg and 500k club points
3rd prize- Gravestone Glowing egg and 250k club points
The contest begins today and ends on 24.10.2020 at 23:59 maratime.
Post your entries in the comments section!
Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry
4 years, 9 months & 11 days ago

1st Jun 2020 03:01
Book of Soy Saucery
Magical Blue Book
Magical Blue Scroll
Magical Blue Spell Book
Magical Book
Magical Green Book
Magical Green Scroll
Magical Green Spell Book
Magical Purple Book
Magical Purple Scroll
Magical Purple Spell Book
Magical Red Book
Magical Red Scroll
Magical Red Spell Book
Magical Scroll
Magical Spell Book
Magical Yellow Book
Magical Yellow Scroll
Magical Yellow Spell Book
Wizard of Fl.oz
Blue Concoction-14
Green Concoction-17
Purple Concoction-22
Red Concoction-17
Yellow Concoction-14
Short Staffed-27
Harry Pawter-15
Glowing Eggs
Dark Magic Glowing Egg-15
Gourmet Food
Bag of Air-19
Bag of Fire-24
Bag of Leaves-27
Bag of Storms-14
Bag of Water-18
Disappointed Cupcake-24
Disenchanted Cupcake-27
Disgusted Cupcake-26
Late Toast also wardrobe-25
Wand Jelly-29
Magical Bell-40
Magical Cymbals-45
Magical Drum-43
Magical Ocarina-48
Magical Triangle-46
Magical Trumpet-45
Can't Spell-48
Dry Spell-51
Eleka Spell-36
Forbidden Spell-49
Hidden Spell-41
Magical Spell-44
Negative Spell-35
Poison Spell-43
Witch Spell-45
Wizard Spell-36
Blue Toy Wand
Elon Musk
Fake Magic Box
Green Toy Wand
Harry Pottery
Quill and Ink
Red Toy Wand
Sinister Eye Charm
Toy Wand
Yellow Toy Wand
Academy Uniform Bag-
Academy Uniform Blouse-
Academy Uniform Pants-
Academy Uniform Scarf-
Academy Uniform Skirt-
Academy Uniform Top-
Book of Spells-
Enchanted Necklace-
Half Moon Glasses-
Late Toast also a GF-
Mage Shoulder Guard-
Mage Stockings-
Mage Veil-
Oversized Witch Hat-
Summoned Magic-
Wizard Beard-
Wizard Wig-
Venomous Victory Map
4 years, 9 months & 17 days ago

26th May 2020 07:10
Completed on 26.05.2020
26.05.2020- 2,500
photos- Burnt Fasoro, White Flab, Witch Jessup