Current Goals

6 years & 9 months ago
13th Jun 2018 08:391- Get through all those levels
2- Collect all the eggs
3- Fill up the wardrobe
4- Get more scenery
5- Bring some more friends over
6- Find out what that red exclamation mark is all about and how to avoid it..DONE
Working on finishing up level 15.. ugh
There wont be any way to collect all the eggs since many have retired.. poof.. unbuyable.. so i will try for 100
Filling up the wardrobe will be good fun.. in real life i wear about 3 garments sometimes 4 year round..

After Safari i will double my efforts on the scenery
Bringing friends on board.. this is a tough one.. most of my friends are loyal at another place.. and in rl people i know are disinteresred in online gaming