Staff click here for more ⬇️ 🎀
STAFF: My three sisters, iceprincesscastle + gidget101 + Murderqueen (SilkenFloss + DitaVonTeese), and I all play marapets and there is a chance that we'd share computer IP's. We also send things to each other every once and awhile. Please don't ban us.
My pet plans revolve around finding the correct species and costume to best suit my pets name, personality and that fit in with the barbieandken family aesthetic. I also try to avoid too many of the same species and costumes but I do have my favourites lol
Brigite (Cupid Sindi) stays the same.
Elvis (Valentine Tasi) options:
Calico Tasi [img][/img]
or a different LE/Restricted pet.
Adored (Prize Vlad) stays the same.
Scratchie (Baby Straya) stays the same.
Blusher (Anime Chibs) stays the same.
Glimmer (Sparkle Chibs) stays the same.
Modigliana (Purple Figaro) options:
Love Figaro [img][/img]
I always struggle with finding the ideal looks for my pets too. I get it in my mind I want them to match their names in some way and go crazy inside until that right look comes along haha.
16 years & 23 days ago 19th Feb 2019 18:31
@Mogwai I know I still can't believe it myself! Got the name in the purge, so lucky.
Thanks for the feedback! He's a pet that I've been struggling to get the right 'fit' for...but you're right, Valentine Tasi does work really well too. Decisions are the worst haha
16 years & 23 days ago 19th Feb 2019 18:20
Holy crapola. You own Elvis <3 So jealous lol. Truthfully I'd keep him as the Valentine Tasi. It gives off the whole "love me tender" awesomeness