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Feel free to geek out about things to me (:


Travelling, music(als), backstage stuff, gaming, geeking out about awesome things, tattoos, (forensic) psychology, chemistry, Greek mythology, coffee, ...

If you need to borrow one of my pets, feel free to mm or mt me! - I have some colors, and 350 dvds collected.
Willing to go 50% of the EPI map pieces in my trdes right now. Top three fav musicals: Tanz der Vampire, Les Mis, and Beetlejuice.
Fav music: Rammstein, Korn, Disturbed, Escape the Fate, Halestorm, Pink Floyd, R.E.M., musical soundtracks, VoicePlay, Krezip, Team Starkid, ...
Fav animals: cats, penguins, alpaca's, turtles, platypus', meercats, dolphins, giraffes, butterflies, ...
  1. My marapets goals etc updated
    30th Dec 2024 15:37
    2 months, 13 days & 20 hrs ago
  2. 2022 events
    23rd Dec 2022 05:01
    2 years, 2 months & 22 days ago
  3. Pets + their collections or plans
    10th Jun 2021 07:41
    3 years, 9 months & 3 days ago
  4. Updated dream pets
    19th Apr 2021 15:01
    3 years, 10 months & 23 days ago
  5. Academy of Witchcraft
    1st Jun 2020 12:09
    4 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
  6. past events 2020
    17th Mar 2020 04:44
    4 years, 11 months & 26 days ago
  7. Dumb things done on here
    1st Jan 2020 17:22
    5 years, 2 months & 12 days ago
  8. Other events 2019
    15th Aug 2019 12:45
    5 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
  9. awesome pet colors/ dream pets
    29th Jun 2019 03:03
    5 years, 8 months & 15 days ago
  10. Band camp log
    31st May 2019 01:41
    5 years, 9 months & 14 days ago
2018 event log/items
6 years, 11 months & 28 days ago
16th Mar 2018 10:00

Blueberry flower chocolate x 4
cherry flower chocolate x 2
Vanilla cherry chocolate x 5
rainbow notes x 2
boiled egg carrot x 3
chocolate flower x 4
easter bunny carols x 2
easter bunny necktie x 4
Lemon flower chocolate x 4
Handmade Easter Bunny Plushie x 2
Handmade cocolate lati x 3
chocolate bunny stamp x 2
Gummy carrot x 2
carrot pearl x 1
Behind the Rainbow x 3
Charmer Summoning Stone + 1 for btr/ clovers
Clovers x 2
Curious Contact Lenses x 2
End of the Rainbow Stamp x 3
Glitter Boots x 3
Lightning Storm x 2
Lucky Curls Wig x 2
Lucky Horseshoe x 4
Lucky Jacket x 2
Lucky Pants x 3
Lucky Tunes x 1
Lucky Vest x 1 + 1 for btr/ clovers
Mushroom Garden x 1
Patrick x 5
Pot of Gold Pearl 2 + 1 for btr & boots (and afterwards i got the pearl, cry)
Rain Storm x 2
Rainbow Donut x 1
Rainbow Mobile x 2
Rainbow Sweater x 1
Shamrock Plushie x 5
Shamrock Shake x 1
St Patricks Day Cupcake x 2

Without the mini mp's gotten
Day 1:
Safari badge - plastic tree - Phanty Sugar Cookie - blue gummy crub - sybri hand puppet - Poera Hand Puppet - jessup blanket - phanty hand puppet - purple gummy crub - Green Gummy Grub
Day 2:
Sybri sugar cookie - purple gummy crub - Jessup Sugar Cookie - Sybri Blanket* (broke)
Day 3:
Poera sugar cookie - Safari Compass -3x more mp - poera hand puppet - Safari postcard - Safari Compass
Day 4:
more mp - Tantua Hand Puppet x 2 - tantua pancake - Sybri Sugar Cookie - Jessup Hand Puppet
Day 5:
Tantua hand puppet - Poera Hand Puppet - Red Gummy Grub - Plastic Tree - Mara Crackers - Poera Hand Puppet - red gummy crub - more mp - Ripped Sybri Plushie* - Red Gummy Grub
Day 6:
blue gummy crib - plastic tree - green gummy crub - blue gummy crub -red gummy crub - jessup hand puppt x 2
Day 7:
More mp- plastoc tree - more mp - safari compass
Day 8:
more mp - Safari Girl Doll - Steak Plushie - phanty hand puppet - more mp
Day 9:
Blue gummy crub - binocular - more mp
Day 10:
More mp? —> missed the 20 streak/:
Day 11:
Cheetah jacket - red gummy crub - phanty sygar cookie - more mp
Day 12:
phanty sugar cookie - sybri sugar cookie - sybri blanket - more mp - jessup blanket
Day 13:
Sybri Hand Puppet - Blue Gummy Grub - re dgummy crub - mor emp --> missed streak
Day 14:
red gummy crub - safari postcard - Sunset Sonnets - Sybri Hand Puppet

/sybri hand puppet/
Items I don't have yet:
Belt Pack
Jessup Doll
Man Bun Wig
Meat Lover Stamp
Poera Scarf
Ripped Jessup Plushie
Rising Sun
Safari Boy Doll
Safari Camp Jessup Plushie
Safari Camp Poera Plushie
Safari Camp Sybri Plushie
Safari Camp Tantua Plushie
Safari Glowing Egg*
Safari Pearl
Safari Skirt
Safari Smoothie
Safari Tantua Book
Safari Tantua Glowing Egg
Safari Vest
Savannah Tales
Snake Print Gloves
Steak Cupcake*
Sybri Book
Tantua Burger
Tantua Doll
Tantua Sugar Cookie
Wild Contact Lenses

from 9th of december, missed 1 other event day
raffle lots x 20 + 1?
got: sheer tights, Head Sweatband, Pop Sweater
Elf items POG:
Elf book x 3
Elf belt x 2
elf playlist x 2
Elf snow day x 1

From topics:
Winter elf
Elf Dress
Snow costume
elf easter egg
Krampus tries:
Krampus stocking, toothache, krampus figurine, deer skull, strenght stat, inky tail, toothache, stufy ears, stat?, deers skull, krampus stocking, stat, sunburn, Krampus Shadow Stamp, krampus ssweater, common cold, stat, Krampus Shadow Stamp, ?, Ripped Teddy Bear, deer skull, krampus tail, stat, Evil Teddy Bear Plushie, -, stockingsm evil teddy bear, monochomia, stat, ice stocking, ACNE, Ripped Teddy Bear, Evil Teddy Bear Plushie , krampus figurine, ??, fleas, catch a krampus book, animania, Devil Food Cake // krampus figurine x 2, catch a krampus book, krampus contact lenses, ripped teddy bear , deer skull, devil food cupcake x 2, devil food cake. krampus stockings

Krampus items to go:
Evil Glowing Egg*
Krampus Beanie*
Krampus Horn Pearl
Krampus Nightmares
Krampus Playlist
Krampus Slippers
Krampus Sweater*

Secret santa: /used one item, for a gift./
chilled blue striped present x 3 + Congratulations! Santa Claus also gave you a Chilled Blue Striped Present!!
gold pepermint present x 4 + Congratulations! Santa Claus also gave you a Gold Peppermint Present!!
silver peppermint present x 5
purple seasonal present x 4
Tall Christmas Striped Present x2
Tall Green Striped Present x 3
Chilled Gold Striped Present
"Congratulations! Santa Claus also gave you a Blue Seasonal Present!!" + 3 present
Chilled Green Striped Present x 3 +
Congratulations! Santa Claus also gave you a Chilled Green Striped Present!! x 3
Tall Orange Striped Present x 6
Tall Purple Striped Present x 3
Tall Teal Striped Present x 2 + ongratulations! Santa Claus also gave you a Tall Teal Striped Present!!
Pink Peppermint Present x 3
Mint Peppermint Present x 2
Bronze Peppermint Present
Teal Seasonal Present x 2 (1 from when?)
Chilled Purple Striped Present x 3 +Congratulations! Santa Claus also gave you a Chilled Purple Striped Present!!

Secret santa to go:
Chilled Teal Striped Present
Orange Seasonal Present

Presents openings: Blue Santa Hat Ornament / Athletic Bikini x 2, Blue Peppermint Plushie x2, Pink Santa Hat Ornament, Blue Candycane Candle x2, Bell Plushie, holly wreath, christmas lights belt x 2, kitty poppom hat, Purple Santa Hat Ornament, Red Candycane Candle, blue ornament / Green Peppermint Plushie x 2, Purple Santa Hat Ornament, holly wreath,carole top x 2, ink Santa Hat Ornament x 2, Blue Peppermint Plushie, Athletic Bikini, blue ornament, bell plusgie x 2, blue plushie, Green Candycane Candle - Athletic Bikini Top x 2 , purple orn. x 2, Candycane Shower, kitty hat, blue orn.,Orange Peppermint Plushie

from singular ones: Ice Cake, Orange Candycane Candle, Seasonal Gloves (buyign them whbb, cuz lost all bt 5 presents for this ones)
Snowman Hat 6900, Purple Peppermint Plushie 4989
Carolling items:
Lemon Gummy Reindeer, snowflake necklace, Candycane Trumpet*, ribbon wreath, Ice guitar, Lime Gummy Gingerbread Man, Cherry Gummy Reindeer, Grape Gummy Reindeer, Strawberry Gingerbread Sandwich, penguin glowing egg, music notes, Grape Gummy Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Sandwich, Cherry Gummy Gingerbread Man, Blueberry Gummy Gingerbread Man polar beer snowglobe, music note ornament, Grape Gummy Gingerbread Man, Cherry Gummy Reindeer

  1. My marapets goals etc updated
    30th Dec 2024 15:37
    2 months, 13 days & 20 hrs ago
  2. 2022 events
    23rd Dec 2022 05:01
    2 years, 2 months & 22 days ago
  3. Pets + their collections or plans
    10th Jun 2021 07:41
    3 years, 9 months & 3 days ago
  4. Updated dream pets
    19th Apr 2021 15:01
    3 years, 10 months & 23 days ago
  5. Academy of Witchcraft
    1st Jun 2020 12:09
    4 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
  6. past events 2020
    17th Mar 2020 04:44
    4 years, 11 months & 26 days ago
  7. Dumb things done on here
    1st Jan 2020 17:22
    5 years, 2 months & 12 days ago
  8. Other events 2019
    15th Aug 2019 12:45
    5 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
  9. awesome pet colors/ dream pets
    29th Jun 2019 03:03
    5 years, 8 months & 15 days ago
  10. Band camp log
    31st May 2019 01:41
    5 years, 9 months & 14 days ago