Borrowed Pets Needed For Goals (Updated - July 12)

6 years, 8 months & 5 days ago
7th Jul 2018 21:53 As of July 12, 2018, I need to borrow the following pets for world goals.If you have any of the following and are willing to lend them to me, please Maramail, leave a comment on this blog entry, or send a Pet Lending request.
If you don\'t have any of the listed pets but know someone who does and is willing to lend them out, please let them know I\'m looking!
If you don\'t have any of the listed pets but see them in pet auctions, please let
me know by any of the aforementioned means.
Thank you very much! (-::
- @SpaceAlienBaspinar\'s Castle:
Royal costumed petBiala Mountain:
Viotto (any)Eleka\'s Castle:
Voodo costumed petEnpiah:
Enpiah costumed petGigantic Paradise:
Leprechaun costumed petPuchalla Village:
Defective pet ***
not priority