May you Rest in Piece Grandma, I know Grandpa met you with open arms up in Heaven, just as he promised. Thanks for everything. 2/16/20
<><><>2024 Goals<><><>
[] Swap Ambassador Name (Or new Doll Fasoro, whichever's cheaper)
[] Drew Drew Drew Drew Drew
[] Make up you darn mind on re-costuming choices
[x] Rename: SammieFox is now named Sissle
Finish: Royal Pets
Pirate Pets
Wizard Pets: DONE 8/24/24
(Quick statement, if you look up someone and notice they are no longer there, [meaning they got banned] or they haven't been on in a long time[if you feel like checking] Please let me know and I will take them off the list, I will try to actively check myself but it can be hard as this list is quite lengthy. Thank you)
Took Even MORE time out of my day to sort and make it easier to find the pets you need. I spent 5 hours of my life making this so yours could be easier
Since I spent a lot of time for everyone's sake, Please follow this simple rule. Please be respectful to EVERYONE, I doubt it'll be a problem but if for some reason there is an issue just move on and try to cut off contact.
Everything is sorted by the World and costumes/pets/collections/stats are listed in alphabetical order.
If you are looking for the Book of Fate, look for books under Dukka goals, couple people listed it.
I put the username of the person lending the pet BEFORE the fee, not to be confused with the pet's name as I have decided not to include it since that might be confusing
If you are in need a the 10 balls of yarn a couple people have posted on here, I stated it below but I am going to restate it here, please contact the person you want to lend from and they will tell you all of there borrowing info including tips, borrow times, and setting up borrowing trade.
Please check TIPS at the end, Some people require them while others don't and some won't even accept them. If the person has a ? then they didn't put or tell me any info on tips so you can decide what you want to do.
Please view pet exchange/borrow trade policy
Here is my layout for lending so if you could send lists this particular way it would save me a little bit of time (you don't have to put your user as I need to add italics to it)((I'm a perfectionist and if I catch it I must change it :'())
(for Missions)
I do have to say I prefer info of pets and prices on the forum post, I don't mind mail or talk at all but it helps keep the post on the forum boosted so more can see it But if you would rather mail, please do
Please include tip preference, if you have one or just say you don't require one. A lot of people have been forgetting this step, probably because I made a blog and are not reading my forum post board requirements
If you decide to give an update on pet prices or if something changes to were you can no longer lend a pet, please MM or MT me. MM is preferred if I am offline as I do not always get notifications for MT if I am not here but I will try to check and delete MT's as they come in.
Please view pet exchange/borrow trade policy
First off please understand that you will have to give the pet back RIGHT AFTER YOU ARE DONE. Again I don't think this will be an issue but it has happened before so I will include it.
If you have no room or in need to complete minipet island goals, you are free to ask anyone on this list to set up a pet exchange or trade. If they decline please respect their decision and do not beg. There are more than a few options for most costumes, unless it is the few we do not yet have.
If a person states that they have room and that they can accept one of your pets to then send right back you have the choice to agree or move on to find someone else. This is a great choice though as most will be comfortable with this option.
You are REQUIRED to pay all transaction fees both ways, meaning your acceptance fee and the lenders fee, that is why pet lending is always doubled because you are paying for both.
If someone asks for a pet exchange/borrow trade you have the complete right to decline. If they start begging or trying to guilt you, please try to ignore them. The easiest way would be to block the player. Try not to report them unless they start getting nasty with you as some could be either young or new players that just don't know how the site works.
Borrowers are required to pay their fees along with yours.
If you need to receive a pet from pet exchange, feel free to ask me, I have both cheap LE's and Non-LE's. I am happy to lend as long as I get them back
To not waste your time this is what isn't on this board YET, that does not mean it won't in the future. Check back often if you are still searching.
Adding more is always appreciated though!
Collections/stats: Magazine pet 100-2000, (we have a couple mag pets but need yet to reach 1000+)
If you have it would be greatly appreciated if you went and posted or mailed me if you truly prefer, I have already stated why I prefer the them posted in the forum in bold text under LENDERS info
Looking for Mission Killers in here, either completed collections or nearly completed for missions. Stating the USER FIRST, NAME OF PET SECOND, and FEE THIRD if not complete I will then state how many they have at the time I look. I will try to update it it weekly but no promises. I included the name so you can view the pets full collection if not completed.
I would also check under goals for collection pets. I am trying my best to list high ones but I might miss some. This is relatively new and some may have not seen it or some smaller collections might have expensive and rare collectibles.
All goal collections: Books(Dukka), Instruments(Dukka), DVDs(Enpiah), Gourmets(Candyland), (work in progress as I'm not as familiar with missions so I need to actually work through them and see what each requires)
(Last updated January 18)
746 Books Currently
Pippenella~ Ultimate(Not always but majority can compete in Ultimate and up)- 241,000 Fee Hustle~ Ultimate (In one sport, but constantly training) - 500k Fees meecar100~Ultimate Olympics (Sahirah)- 607,480MP Fee via pet lending currently
Hustle~ 300 difficulty(most high level cards) - 6mil Fees meecar100~Battle Pet (Sahirah)- 607,480MP Fee via pet lending currently, base difficult of 300 and above
All I ask is for any magazine from this month or newspaper. (Prefer magazine I’m
Trying to complete a goal)
If you need to borrow any of my other pets just shoot me a mm/my
Photos or mp is always nice cause, But never required!
No tip required, but any Photo or Plate I need would be appreciated.
I don't require tips but plates or photos would be appreciated
As far as tips go, I really don't need one but I don't mind any photos/plates/plushies i'm missing or mp/rp/bp. I'm not really picky to be honest.
I like slates,batteries,crystals and diamonds.
I'd like either missing plates or photos as a tip
No tip needed, but I wouldn't mind a plate or photo I don't have
Tips in mp/Photos not required but always welcome
MM is fine to contact
No tips necessary
No tip required
not needed but a photo or plate is always appreciated
Tips can include: plates, photos, mp
any tips are greatly welcomed but not necessary
Tips aren't required, but I would appreciate missing photos/plates or magazines.
Photos or Plates would be appreciated but Tips are not required.
[ b]-GrumpyCat-
Wouldn’t object a plate or photo~
I prefer to be asked via topic, i am bad about answering mm and mt for lending
I can lend my pets in return for a photo for my collection
No tips required. Just happy to help
No tips required!
No preferred tip
No tips needed
No tip needed. Please mail me to borrow.
mp always welcome but never required! happy to help
no tip needed, but plates/photos for collections appreciated (:
Photos, plates, or anything Zetlian. Not Picky!
-meodlly -
Not required but appreciate any form of tips
I don't require tips but they are much appreciated as I am broke
tips = gourmets Oshawotx3 hasn't eaten.
or photos I don't have
Checkout her lending site! Lending lots of avatar and other goal items that may not be on this list/
10-20k per pet is appreciated but not required.
Not picky
Borrowers don't have to tip me, but I'd always appreciate plates and photos.
I do not require tips whatsoever but if you feel like tipping I pretty much accept anything Photos are greatly appreciated as I need them for goals currently but whatever you have on hand is fine.
Photo are much appreciated but not required.
I would appreciate any plates that aren't already in my collection, but its not required!
tips are not necessary but would be nice
Tips not necessary, but a photo or plate for my collections are always appreciated
Any plate/photo would be great :>
I don't require a tip, but I always appreciate a photo or two or MP!
For a tip I like mp.
So if I'm online or the waiting list is long, just get me an @. I love lending!!
Tips: I don't care too much. Any plate or photo works if you feel inclined. (I can always club swap them if I have it already as well)
Any photo or plate would be appreciated as a tip but not necessary!
Tips/photos/plates are appreciated, but not mandatory. Tips/photos/plates are appreciated, but not mandatory.
Photo tips if appreciated, never required.
Plate/photo tips are always nice but definitely not necessary, just happy to help
I do not require tips but photos/plates are appreciated!
Sorry this is probably very late, I usually only open one mail at a time and get them done, delete the mail, and then move on to the next. I also have to do this with people offering me lists for the blog. Otherwise I keep a notepad next to me, go through my mail, write down their user and put next to there name what they need EXP:
Pippenella- Elf
I then cross them out after they send back, since I might have to cancel a couple times throughout the day I keep it until I know for sure they are done.
Hopefully this helps some!
15 years, 11 months & 24 days ago 18th Mar 2019 14:17
@Pippenella under pirate cossie Munchlaxxx3 only has 2 x's. couldnt find until i saw the comment down here
15 years, 11 months & 24 days ago 18th Mar 2019 14:10
@heartbroken Would I be able to borrow your armoured pet?
15 years, 11 months & 26 days ago 16th Mar 2019 20:36