Christmas Temp

5 years, 2 months & 17 days ago
26th Dec 2019 13:17Defective Addow
Defective Bolimo
Defective Crindol
G TheMil - Defective Daisy - themil, shery
G - Defective Nino - wittel - Traded Gonk
G - Defective Oglue - mrsrena S Th Gonk
G - Defective Vixen - sweet - Traded Gonk
G -Recycled Chibs - sizzle S TH Gonk, ladyspaghetti
G/MN - Recycled Doyle - sizzle, MissNora
G TheMil - Recycled Flab - sizzle, TheMil
Recycled Osafo - sizzle, DivineCaroline, Gwylynnsgarden
G -Thunder Arinya - shadow
Thunder Fasoro
G - Thunder Gonk - cappygirl
GThunder Kidlet
G-Thunder Kronk - Nanny_of_16
G - Thunder Osafo - Terry
Thunder Phanty - _Fire_
G - Thunder Rusty - MissNora S Th Gonk
G - Thunder Troit - sweetangeleyes, Gwylynnsgarden Trded Th Gonk
G jz - Thunder Viotto - mrsrena, jzbelle
G - Thunder Zoosh - _Fire_ Random Trade
S- Eye Egg, Jester Trading Card - Jessi 100k
S- 3 Years Old Stamp - Dolly
S- Jar of Butterflies - Myth 500k
S - BBQ Lamb Chop, photos - Claire 100k
S - Feliz Ice Sculpture - TheMil
S - Eggnog Latte - Sue
S - Christmas Ideus Potion - Ka 500k
S - Defrosted - Fire - 50 dukk coin
S - Gamer Dress,Ripped Dress - lillgirl 500 game points, 350k
S - Blizzard - Kezzzza - 500k
S - advent tree pieces - Alana_B
S - Chocolate Scorpion, Orange Chocolate Lorius - Melanin
S - Frilly Lute - Dzhelasi
S - Mayonnaise - Marapets67 - 1mil
S - Behind the Rainbow - Sarisa
S - Popstar Shirt - HeavenlyAngels
S- Plushies - delloyd