
5 years, 3 months & 11 days ago
16th Dec 2019 03:275 basic info facts: (name/nickname, favorite color, hobbies, irl fun facts, etc.) Corina, Green, Ultimate Frisbee, table tennis and swimming.
2. What do you collect in Marapets? Wardrobe Items, glowing eggs and Photos
3. What are some of your goals in Marapets? To be able to do Drew and Shusan efficiently. Get into the highscores lists for both of them
4. Name a few of your favorite/ideal items in Marapets? Anything that I don't yet have in my collections. Photos/Plates would be ideal!
5. Anything else you want to add in to help your Secret Grinch choose a better gift for you?
I already have everything on SS for my Wardrobe but I would love to receive any amount of fake dukka coins to go through the pyramid to get clothing items of your choice. I also love plates or photos that I don't have!