Horror Anime you can watch this Halloween!

6 years, 4 months & 18 days ago
25th Oct 2018 17:54My username might suggest I watch a lot of anime. I do. Want to watch something spooky, creepy or downright weird for Halloween? Here's a list of my favourites!
Kouichi Sakakibara starts school late, joining class 3-3 mid-semester. For some reason, though he's never met them before, his new classmates believe they have. He can also see a mysterious school girl, but no one else in his class can. There is a curse on class 3-3, that Kouichi unwittingly becomes a part of. Can he find a way to stop it, or will it end of its own accord, when everyone in his class is dead?
Deadman Wonderland
Do you like Disney World? Well, you'll love Deadman Wonderland. It's a themepark where convicted criminals take on life-threatening tasks for your amusement! Ganta is thrust into the wonderland after being wrongly accused of killing his entire class, and must find a way to survive long enough to find his classmates' real killer, with the help of a mysterious girl who seems to know him, though he's never met her before in his life.
From the New World
1% of the world's population start showing psychic powers. All is well, until some of them begin killing for no reason. Years later, 5 friends join a school for psychic-power training, but what begins as a wonderful journey between friends quickly becomes a nightmare, filled with death, fear, and destruction.
Hell Girl
Is there someone you want to send to hell? Log in to a mysterious website that only appears for 1 minutes, on the dot of midnight. Ai Enma will grant your wish, binding you in contract, and will torment your target and send them to hell. However, as per the contract, when your own time is up she will come back to take you to hell, as well.
Parasyte: The Maxim
Alien parasytes have take over earth, one body at a time. Shinichi, a nerd with not much going for him, is suddenly thrust into the fray when a parasyte attacks him but fails, only managing to take over his hand. Now, with extraordinary abilities, Shinichi must coexist with the parasyte in order to protect his family, his friends, and save the human race.
In a rural village, the inhabitants suddenly start dropping like flies, with no certain cause. Believed to be just a cold, illnesses develop in both young and old, then days later they die. Certain individuals believe it has something to do with the beautiful family who moved in recently, who only appear at night. Is there any way to save the village, or do they discover the answer too late?
Other shows, not as good (in my books) but still worth the watch:
Angels of Death
Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni
Umineko No Naku Koro Ni