Things Will Never Be The Same Again

5 years, 3 months & 2 days ago
11th Dec 2019 09:57Things will never be the same again .... And that's a good thing!
So why can't we just fix things and make them like they used to be?
1- Because we can only remember our version of what happened, and our version is only part of the whole truth.
2- Because we cannot remember things accurately. As time passes the details become faded and so our mind automatically fills in the missing pieces according to our current beliefs.
3- Because every situation is unique and has its own timing.
4- Because things change. Our age has changed since it happened. Our acquaintances have gotten older or passed on. Our knowledge and understanding has grown and we see things differently. The environmental, economical, and political situations are not what they used to be.
4- Because people have agency given to them, and they are allowed to make their own choices no matter what you think or how you feel about them.
5- Because there are natural consequences for all actions. And if it weren't for consequences, we could not learn.
So many of us long for "what was". There is a part of us that wants to remain in a place where things are safe, known, and familiar. We may wish we could pick up the pieces, put things back together, and recreate what we thought we once had. We may believe that it is the only way to bring happiness and peace back into our lives. But even when we are successful in putting it all back together, it never seems to have quite the same impact or luster as before.
It is a fact that we can never be the person we once were, and things will never be the same again. Welcome to life! As soon we we can realize this, we can free ourselves from our past and begin to embrace "what IS".
One of the secrets to a happy life is to be grateful for every moment, because every moment is unique. All of the elements have come together to make this very moment absolutely amazing! So quit pining for the past. Quit trying to make things as they were. Move on! Find the beauty in each and every moment! Live intentionally!
If you can do this, you will soon discover that you are exactly where you are supposed to be, and everything has happened exactly as it was supposed to happen. You will discover that life has many wonderful things to offer no matter what it might throw at you! You will realize that you are where you are and "here" is the most important place you can be. You will realize that "Now" is the only time you can act and create.
Note: Posted from a social website and just HAD to share this pearl of wisdom!