Elfember 2019

5 years, 3 months & 2 days ago
11th Dec 2019 11:03Carol Singing:
Angelic Guitar x
Blue Star Gummies x
Blue Stocking x
Christmas Bell x
Church Bell x
Green Star Gummies x
Green Stocking x
Jingle Bell x
Krampus Bell x
Peppermint Violin x
Purple Star Gummies x
Purple Star Gummies x
Red Stocking x
Santa Bell x
Silent Night Bell x
Sleigh Bell x
Snow Triangle x
Yellow Star Gummies x
Yellow Stocking x
Elf Cupcake
Elf Gumball x
Elf Book x
Elegant Elf Dress x
Elf Balloon x
Elf Candy Floss x
Elf Espresso x
Elf Ice Cream x
Elf Keyring x
Elf Mug x
Elf Photo x
Elf Stamp x
Elf Video Game x
Elfember Days x
Elfember Essence x
Elfember Nights x
Elfember Songs x
Sack of Toys x
Christmas Tree Gummy x
Red Gummys X
Smell of Evil x
Smell of Failure x
Seasonal Icecream x
Krampus Cookie x
Red Christmas Tree Gummy x
Krampus Burger x
Krampus Naughty Book x
Krampus Cake x
Poison Jelly x
Red Bauble x
Maroon Booster x
Secret Santa Quests started at 643 finished at 827.. Merry Christmas everyone!
Knitted Muffler Scarf x
Santa Serenades x
Christmas gift suggestions:
To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.”
― Oren Arnold