new games items i'm missing from those

4 years, 11 months & 24 days ago
17th Mar 2020 02:13 fairy flight
from flight fairy bonus prizes, i still need the book of doughnuts, doughnut jelly, doughnut pancakes, and fairy flight soundtrack.
done with the high scores reward prizes.
on monty i'm missing 'monty' the dvd, monty balloon, monty stamp, and road closed jelly of the bonus prizes.
of the high score rewards for monty, missing monty plushie.
quack mafia game
bonus prizes for quack mafia i'm still missing are quack mafia sugar cube, quacks cd, quackula mug, safe quacking guide, and the quacketeer.
high score rewards, still missing 10 quack whistles, quack mafia jelly, quackers wanted poster, cheese n quackers wanted poster, sir quackers wanted poster, quackula plushie,officer quack plushie, police tape wrap.
Waffle Wobble
bonus prizes i'm missing are waffle mix, waffle recipe book, waffle stacking techniques, waffle wobble game, waffle wobble stamp, wobbly tunes.
waffle hour items missing........all 19 items----angry, bashful, confused, cool, crazy, cry, drool, evil, funny, grin, help, lovely, lowkey, shocked, silly, smirk, sure, whatever, and yup.