Are these 2 linked in someway?

4 years, 6 months & 14 days ago
8th Sep 2020 05:19Just a theory I've had, Clock Tower, Fortune Teller, and Gelatin. Could they be connected? For example, you go to the fortune teller she says "In exactly 1 hour I see a good outcome for you - Clock Tower" You go there in an hour, But before you do, you visit Gelatin! He is sleeping, Awesome you get jelly! You see the fortune teller the next day, she says In 2 hours you will have great fortune. You check on Gelatin in 2 hours. Boom jelly! You notice a trend here.. The next day it happens again! The 4th day you try things in a different order, nothing works. You try again and again. Nothing yet and you try the original way and it works! Just a little theory and sort of a story of mine! Thanks for reading!