🌷Note To Self🌷

5 years, 1 month & 16 days ago
26th Jan 2020 16:46🌷Wellness Ideas to Keep in Mind🌷
-Have a set morning & evening routine
-Write a daily gratitude list
-Keep track of my daily habits via chart/journal
-Set small measurable goals
-My body is my temple and I'm free to adorn it as I wish
-Drink 11 glasses of water a day *depends on current weight*
-Do something challenging for my mind
-Introduce Omega 3 fatty acids for brain health
-Take my vitamins/supplements every day
-Do something creative/artistic regularly
-Cardio 20 min. + daily
-Create colorful plates of food; eat the rainbow
-Stay spiritual
-Meal prepping & meal planning will help encourage you to stay on track
-Go on daily walks with Wilson, no matter the weather
-Commit to a yoga practice
-Stay organized (planner, calendar, alarms, etc.)
-Surround yourself with positive influences and people who make you feel good and want to better yourself
-Be generous with compliments
-Accept compliments from other people
-Drink green tea
-Be open to new experiences & adventures
-Self care is essential, not selfish
-Spend time with loved ones
-"Swallow the frog" every day
-Meditate, even if it's only for 5 minutes
-Deep breathing truly helps
-Go to therapy
-Fake it til you make it
-Celebrate tiny victories
-Dress in a way that makes me feel beautiful
-Take time to play
-Keep plants in the house
-Don't be so hard on yourself, you're doing the best you can
-Write loveletters
-Radiate self-confidence
-Set intentions or mantras
-Be happy for other people
-Work on de-cluttering, clearing, minimizing, etc.
-Pet as many dogs as you can
-Spend time outside and in nature, even when the weather sucks