♡ pets | wishlist | COMPLETED

4 years, 10 months & 23 days ago
19th Apr 2020 04:53 Wishlist
Acquired (
striked out means it's been used)
1 Daisy pet1 Eyru pet1 Mordo pet3 Troit pets2 Chibs makers [paid 14AU and 13AU]
1 Echlin maker [paid 6.75mil]
1 Figaro maker [trade ~9mil]
2 Huthiq maker [paid 5.625mil, 6mil]
1 Kujo maker [AU]
2 Kronk makers [paid 5.5mil each]
2 Limax makers [paid 17mil, 5.9mil + 6AU]
1 Pucu maker [paid 15mil + 10AU]
6 Rusty makers [paid 40mil for 3, 7AU + 1mil for one, 13mil for one, 18mil for one]
3 Sindi maker [trade ~9mil, paid 8.5mil, paid 5AU]
3 Snookle makers [paid 5.8mil, 4.875mil and 4.5mil]
3 Straya makers [AUs]
1 Sybri maker [paid 4.5mil]
1 Troit maker [paid 5mil]
1 Viotto maker [paid 9.5mil]
1 Zola maker [paid 90mil]
1 Fairy Eyru maker [paid 16mil]
1 Pampered Quell maker [AU]
1 Party Quell maker [paid 17AU + 1mil]
1 Anime costume [paid 6.55mil]
3 Baby costumes [paid 41mil for all]
2 Bootleg costumes [250 dukkas each]
2 Bug costumes [paid 6mil each]
4 Chibi costumes [AUs + 20mil]
1 Chocolate costume [paid 6.2mil]
3 Doll costumes [AUs]
1 Fairy costume [paid 7mil (auction)]
1 Fancy costume [AU]
3 Fat costumes [paid 8.41 each]
1 Gothic costume [paid 10mil]
2 Halloween costumes [temple, paid ~21mil each]
1 Icecream costume [trade, ~15mil]
4 Minipet costumes [paid 16mil, 14mil, 15mil, and 17.5mil]
1 Nimbus costume [paid 14mil]
2 Pampered costumes [paid 875k, 400k]
1 Pixie costume [paid 5mil]
1 Rainbow costume [paid 25mil]
2 Toy costumes [paid 6AU + 1mil for both]
2 Valentine costumes [AU, paid 5.1mil]
1 DNA [100k BP]
COMPLETED on September 25, 2020 at 11:36 PM EST upon turning Frillys into a Doll Zola after buying a Navy Zola Potion for 90,000,000 MP.
Total amount spent: ~586mil MP, 78 AU, 500 dukkas = ~752mil MP value
(this does not include the "price" of pets/makers/AUs acquired from purchasing AUs myself in the past/that i had in storage!)edit: this price was edited slightly on 11/16/2020 to account for mutant huthiq purchases