New year, new me!

5 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
13th Jan 2020 01:31I've been so wrapped up in all that I've lost and all that's change in the last year or so that I've been making myself totally miserable. Of course that has an impact on my relationship with my fiance Tim, on my friendships, and on pretty much every aspect of my life. I do try to be sunny and happy, but when I let the negative overwhelm me it's easier to be sad and depressed (to say the least lol). So I decided to try to change how I look at things. When I get a negative thought I say to myself "Ok, that happened. It sucked, life goes on. Now, what are 3 positive things that came from that happening?" I'll be 100% honest, finding the positive things isn't always easy, and sometimes the positive things are pretty small, but I'm finding that focusing on the positive that came from the negative, instead of on the negative itself, is making it easier for me to kind of get rid of that negative thought or to look at it in a new light. It may sound corny, it may sound stupid, but so far it's working for me. It's funny but sometime now I get so wrapped up in finding the positive that came from it that I almost (or do) forget what the negative thought was! Hopefully I can make this a permanent habit, and hopefully it continues to make me a more positive person!!