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These are names on accounts that are banned/suspended or haven't been on in many years. One day I hope to get my hands on one of these names. One day!!
-Hisoka (have you seen hunterxhunter? my fave crazy clown man)
-Fish (after my cat aka my pride and joy)
-Mango (my cat's brothers name who is literally identical to the hairy chibs!)
-Erwin (Attack on Titan, baby! My sister's favorite character. Would want him to give to her.)
-Howl (Howl is my major childhood crush from Howl's moving castle. ugh my heart.)
What names would you choose?
@MommaCats ah a girl can dream! That’s good to know though!! Thank you for checking for me :-)
14 years, 1 month & 20 days ago 9th Jan 2021 18:59
From what little I know, looking at the accounts those are on, there is zero chance those names will ever become available. Except maybe for Erwin. In fact, Howl's owner was on a year ago.
14 years, 1 month & 20 days ago 9th Jan 2021 18:52