Enchanted Plushie Machine Wins

4 years, 5 months & 6 days ago
12th Oct 2020 09:48Because my Goals Blog is getting long.
Spent 85 Million MPS pure for the EPM Instructions.
Completed it January 11, 2016.
-- January 21, 2016, You move the claw up...You picked up Enchanted Brown Chibs Plushie
-- March 22, 2016, You move the claw up...You pick up Enchanted Nefarious Echlin Plushie
-- April 28, 2016, You move the claw to the right...You pick up Enchanted Grey Snookle Plushie
-- October 12, 2020, You move the claw down...Enchanted Maroon Vixen Plushie is now in your Items