Auction Tips

1 year & 13 days ago
29th Feb 2024 18:26Auctions are great for getting items cheap that you can resell or use for collections. However, it is easy to make a big mistake.
Personally, I have done this many times. I see an item that is on auction (usually for 20k mp) and in shop or LSP it is worth a couple hundred thousand or even millions. Most people who put up a lot of auctions put in high money items that aren't in demand (meaning people don't really want them). Most of the time it is hard to sell that item and you ended up wasting your money for something to just sit in your attic.
What I do is I look to see if its a popular collection item (photos, plates, plushies, stamps, etc.). Usually, these will sell within a few days. Costumes and clothing items are also always good to auction on.
Im not saying auctions are bad, just remember to never auction just because you can save a couple hundred thousand. Most of the time its not worth it in the long run.