missing treasure chest items

3 years, 5 months & 20 days ago
22nd Sep 2021 06:04 aquarius treasure chest
- aquarius pants
- aquarius scale tattoo
aries treasure chest
- aries bodice
- aries boots
- aries eye shadow
- aries tunic
- masculine aries contact lenses
cancer treasure chest
- cancer shoes
- cancer shorts
capricorn treasure chest
- capricorn fish ears
- capricorn shorts
- capricorn tail
- capricorn top
- seashell necklace
desert treasure chest
- ancient kamilah veil
- ancient kamilah wings
- anubis mask
- eye of horus sleeve tattoo
- scarab tiara
- wadjet eye makeup
eleka treasure chest
- ball and chain
- eleka bikini bottoms
- eleka collar
- queen eleka glowing egg
- rebel jacket
- rebel jewellery set
- rebel wig
heartless treasure chest
- heartless wig
- timeless vest
leo treasure chest
- black leo shoes
- crab wig
- leo hair extension
- leo jacket
- leo shirt
- leo wig
- lion wig
- white leo shoes
- woodland hair extension
libra treasure chest
- libra armoured top
- libra tattered cloth
- libra tattoo
- libra wig
pisces treasure chest
- dolphin top
- gothabilly pants
- mp3 player
- orca tank top
- pisces flat boots
- pisces gloves
- pisces long jacket
- pisces necklace
- pisces shirt
- pisces sparkle eye shadow
sagittarius treasure chest
- leaf pendant
- sagittarius shirt
- wing hair clips
scorpio treasure chest
- bedazzled pants
- bedazzled top
- bedazzled trousers
- scorpio shirt
- scorpio wig
steampunk treasure chest
- steampunk dress
- steampunk mini dress
- steampunk pants
- steampunk shoes
- steampunk suit
- steampunk top
taurus treasure chest
- taurus hair extension
- taurus pants
- taurus top
virgo treasure chest
- virgo pants
- virgo tail
- virgo top
wonderful wizard treasure chest
- lion costume
- oz dress
- scarecrow mask
- scarecrow top
- tin skin
- wicked dress