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Marapets is mobile friendly
MT is disabled. MM only. Trade offers need to be = value when using WL. Didn't read trade descrtiption b4 offering? = ignored. I am not interested in joining any clubs. Please do not ask.

King Henry changed into a vlad 05/26/2014

King Henry put on his cursed costume 06/18/2014

Whirlpool treasure map completed 06/18/2014

Enchanted plushie instructions completed 9/10/2014

TooMuchCake was born on my birthday, seemed fitting :)

Envenom was born on 10/11/2015 and turned into a Poision Chibs (12 mill for plushie, 600k for costume)

Pulled an underwater gobble plushie from one of the plushie machines.
Pulled an enchanted grey rofling plushie from the epm 3/23/2021.
Pulled a bronze ogule plushie from one of the plushie machines
Pulled an enchanted coral straya plushie from the epm on 5/26/2021

*****For trades, I do not let offers rot when they have followed the trade description or are close to asking. If you didn't bother following the trade description, your wasting my time and showing both an inability to follow directions and a lack of respect for other's wishes. Only thing you'll succeed in is annoying me. Your offer will sit until I feel like rejecting it. Waste my time and I'll waste yours. If you really want to attempt an offer against the description, messaging me to show you read it and respect others enough to at least reach out will make me more willing to work with you (Though your chances are still small)*********

  1. Magazines A-B
    1st May 2024 22:27
    10 months, 10 days & 14 hrs ago
  2. Magazines C
    1st May 2024 22:16
    10 months, 10 days & 14 hrs ago
  3. Magazines D-E
    1st May 2024 22:06
    10 months, 10 days & 14 hrs ago
  4. Magazines F
    1st May 2024 21:51
    10 months, 10 days & 14 hrs ago
  5. Magazines G
    1st May 2024 21:41
    10 months, 10 days & 15 hrs ago
  6. Magazines H-I
    1st May 2024 21:30
    10 months, 10 days & 15 hrs ago
  7. Magazines J-K
    1st May 2024 21:20
    10 months, 10 days & 15 hrs ago
  8. Magazines L
    1st May 2024 20:58
    10 months, 10 days & 15 hrs ago
  9. Magazines M-N
    1st May 2024 20:47
    10 months, 10 days & 15 hrs ago
  10. Magazines O-P
    1st May 2024 20:36
    10 months, 10 days & 16 hrs ago
Trading Guidelines
4 years & 7 months ago
11th Aug 2020 16:54

If you are following the swap description, you really don't need to read the following. It's long and for those who might have questions because they don't have the items listed on the trade or chose to ignore the swap description. Honestly, it's just easier to follow the swap description.

**If I offered items on your trade lot that didn't say anything about items, it is because they are items on your WL and you did not specify MP/AU only or no items. Generally these are over offers value wise. I will only ever offer items from your WL.

***If I messaged you about a trade: I am a serious buyer making a serious inquiry. I've already looked through all your blogs/wl/noted information in regards to trades and did not find the necessary info to determine how to best proceed without your input. I prefer trades and usually will ask about them but that does not mean I am only looking for trades. (I can also tell when you most likely don't want item trades, but if you don't specify that, I will still ask.) I want to make you an offer but I don't know what you value the item at generally because there is no price for it at the time. TELL ME what you want or that you simply don't know. (I don't want to offer you 15 mill when you value it at 40 mill.) if you want a reasonable amount or it is less hassle than obtaining myself, I will buy or save up to buy (and I can save very, very quickly, generally within a day or two) Ignoring my MM's will result in avoiding you for future trades and less likely acceptance should you offer on my lots in the future. Intentionally ignoring mm's is rude. Period. maybe you were busy or forgot to respond, but 100% I'm not going to try again. So if you forgot and it's 3 days or 3 weeks later, still feel free to reply.

Trade offer value MUST equal lot value. I WILL NOT ACCEPT an offer that is worth considerably less than the lot value just because I don't have it. If you are obviously ignoring my WL/trade description, I will ignore your offer and any mail about it.

Please follow guide on the actual trade. If it dosn't follow those guidelines, I will very, very rarely accept, unless there is a substansial benefit to me, and not always then either.

Collection swaps: I will not accept lower value items just because I am missing them. Fair value is a must. Low value wardrobe, plushies, photos, plates, magazines, newspapers, ect are not valued highly and unlikely to get your offer accepted.

I will usually accept trades with a similar and fair value. Ex: my item is valued at 6 mill and your offer is 5.5 mill. I'll take into consideration the items your offering. Are they obtainable in the game while mine is retired? How hard are they to obtain? As long as they have a similar rarity, and are not soon obtainable for me, I'll accept. Ex 2. You offer a 4 mill item on my 6 mill item. Chances of acceptance are generally non existent. Ex 3. You offer 3 mill worth of items on my 2.8 mill item. Mine is retired. Your items are photos/plates/restocks. Nope. Not accepting that. Retired item values continue to rise. Non retired continues to devalue or remain static.

UB photos missing from my collecton will be considered. They are valued at 500k each and no more, no matter what a trade lot has them listed for.

Kargeji is my collection pet, incase you want to check for something.

Will adjust price to meet/beat lowest if it is within reason. This is up to my discretion and I have the right not to sell or trade if I don't like the current lowest price.

Happy to do bundled swaps or accept multiple items for a single, more expensive item.

I will not accept easily obtainable items, especially those under 500k for rare, retired items. This includes items in a "price shift" Meaning they were difficult to obtain but have gotten easier and prices are falling or will fall as a result.

Feel free to re-offer if your first offer is rejected, but make sure your offer is in line with my trade requirements. Generally if you get rejected more than twice, I'm not interested in what your offering and unless you make a dramatic change, will not accept. Messaging me to harass/try to convince me will lead to a refusal to swap with you and generally a removal of the listing so that you'll go away.

I am not a reseller (meaning I do not buy from other players to re-sell for a profit) If you offer something I already have or off my lists and get your offer accepted, that is for the sole purpose of trading/selling. This is the only exeption. Otherwise, all my items are things I have earned through the game and have been sitting on for some time.

  1. Magazines A-B
    1st May 2024 22:27
    10 months, 10 days & 14 hrs ago
  2. Magazines C
    1st May 2024 22:16
    10 months, 10 days & 14 hrs ago
  3. Magazines D-E
    1st May 2024 22:06
    10 months, 10 days & 14 hrs ago
  4. Magazines F
    1st May 2024 21:51
    10 months, 10 days & 14 hrs ago
  5. Magazines G
    1st May 2024 21:41
    10 months, 10 days & 15 hrs ago
  6. Magazines H-I
    1st May 2024 21:30
    10 months, 10 days & 15 hrs ago
  7. Magazines J-K
    1st May 2024 21:20
    10 months, 10 days & 15 hrs ago
  8. Magazines L
    1st May 2024 20:58
    10 months, 10 days & 15 hrs ago
  9. Magazines M-N
    1st May 2024 20:47
    10 months, 10 days & 15 hrs ago
  10. Magazines O-P
    1st May 2024 20:36
    10 months, 10 days & 16 hrs ago