I did a 3M Leprechaun Run (QOTD)

2 years, 4 months & 24 days ago
19th Oct 2022 00:10 3M Leprechaun Run (QOTD)
Starting No. of Quest: 9,774
End No. of Quest: 10,233
= 459 quests done
Starting MP: 3M
Ending MP: 75k (25% ended lol :c)
= 2,925,000 spent
Starting RP: 0 RP
Ending RP: 716k RP = 10,740,000 MP
= 7,740,000 earned
Leprechaun Game + 9,375 RP: Received 2x
18,750 RP: Received 5x
The 18k drop rate was lower than I expected but earning 7M is pretty great lol. The 25% is definitely worth it