Seasonal Offerings for Cozy Cave

2 years, 2 months & 30 days ago
13th Dec 2022 15:03This year we have been blessed with a Secret Santa who has dropped off many wonderful presents for all of you at Cozy Cave

I will conduct this as a Raffle.. There are 50 items to be won... all you need to do is shout out a number from 1-25 in the club room each day until the items are all gone.. each number has 1,2 or 3 of the same item so several of you could shout the same number out and win a prize.
I will keep track of all winners here in the blog..
Our second event will be a Seasonal Trade.. for this one just put a Candy Cane worth 1 to 10,000mp into a trade and let me know in the club when your trade is up...
These two events will go from Dec 12 to Dec 26

Have fun!!! and Happy Holidays!
So far the Cubs to have partaken in the event this 14th day of December

Eevell, lilmouze, Pitbullet, Tinkerbel, Starlightjames, oyamu, Winterprism, Grat, Allie, acronym, ThePancakey, Vampirebaby, monicaju77, Acronym,SusieQbear,MB, BrieMarie,Starberry014,yagmurs,grand19,Gaycation