A Beautiful poem written for me

2 years, 4 months & 12 days ago
8th Nov 2022 00:44This poem was written by cotdogsweet
She did a great job! I love it so much!
Long live the Queen of Dough!
Set the oven to 400 degrees!
Tonight, my Maradans, we make mille-feuille!
Now pass me the powdered sugar... Please!
Wait, wait, wait...
Shall we do a souffl???
"Holy bomboloni" shouts Sumo Sally,
"The options are infinite!"
"I know, I know, but we must rally",
says the queen of dough, "be vigilant!"
(The Queen of Dough always offers good advice.)
With jest, cheer, and a small squabble
All the Maradans that frosted night
Made pastries a soul couldn't deny to gobble --
And so we praise the Queen of Dough, with all our might!
Thank you again cotdogsweet!!!