Below is a memory game containing 17 pairs of socks and a GRAND PRIZE worth 400k minimum.
Each club member can guess TWICE EVERY DAY. To guess, please MM @Binary with the position of the TWO mystery bags you want to peek inside. For example: "A1, B4". It is allowed to make two sets of guesses at once in the same MM: e.g. "A1, B4" and "A2, E5". Note that in this instance, even if "B4" and "E5" are matching, you will not win the prize unless you guess "B4, E5".
If the contents of the mystery bags match, you will receive the pair of socks you just reunited! The MAIN BLOG will then update to show the pair that has matched, and your name will be added to the WINNER'S LOG below.
If the contents of the mystery bags don't match, you will receive an MM revealing the contents of the two mystery bags you peeked into!
If a player tries to guess one of the opened bags, they will be asked to guess again with two unopened bags.
Each member can win a maximum of two prizes every month!
Aqua Decadal Plushie!
All prizes not yet won, including the Grand Prize, can be found in @Binary's gallery!