ATM 2.0 Club Trick or Treat

2 years, 4 months & 27 days ago
17th Oct 2022 03:22Registrations closes October 30, 2022.
One of my favorite club events has always been the club trick or treat. With no commenting on blogs now though I had to think of an alternative way to do this fun little game.
To register mail me telling me you are registering for the club trick or treat. Registration closes October 30.
October 31 I will send a list out to everyone who is registered. When you get the list you send the people on the list either a trick or a treat. Please mail the person letting them know they got a trick or treat as well.
Some people used to do fun little stories as well as sending the trick or treat such as "As Bebbs approached the house she heard horrible screams and saw the lights flickering off and on. Frightened she turned to run. When she looked back she saw Stage Lights laying on the ground and put them in her bag. Stage Lights has been sent to Bebbs." The stories were always optional, but they were so fun to read and see how creative people could get.
You do not have to trick or treat the entire list of people, but I hope that everyone who participate does trick or treat the full list.
Please keep the treats a reasonable value. Keep in mind that if you participate you may or may not get equal or greater value tricks and treats. This is meant to be a fun little club activity, and is not a guarantee that you will receive high priced items or things off your wish list.
The trick or treat sending will end November 8, 2022.