A friend tries tohelp but got support that failed

17 years, 4 months & 12 days ago
3rd Nov 2007 16:01I had an image swiped from me and used in a banner in someones marasite. I was never asked for permission to use my image, and they were asked by me to remove it.
I am in the middle of a hurricane and would rather play than have to chase around some kid getting them to remove an image from their site, so I asked a friend of mine to help me by contacting staff while I delt with the kid who took my stuff...the kid disappears off line a few mins after my friend put in a support ticket for me.
She was told by a staff member to tell me I have to send in my OWN ticket.
(which means, no help unless I do it myself)
*I did send in my own ticket but the image is STILL there, which means I still havn't gotten help...a fast response on saying no but not fast when it's me asking for the help when told to...whats with that...?*
I'm kind of disappointed on that info, I think if ANY member reports an issue regardless how it gets sent it should be looked into, & I only make this point
(ONLY to point out the possibilities)
since I'm in the middle of a hurricane and I could have lost power...(not that I have YET) BUT for all staff knows was talking to a member who's a friend of mine on the phone. If I was to have lost power, how would I put in a report?...
(pass it on to someone who was on line right...I've seen other staff help those who couldn't get on line, or put in support tickets...in this manner)
I did still see the page...I had the link, I did pass it on, & ONLY because I know how annoyed I've made others when I get upset...
I TRIED to save them the fusteration of dealing with me...ya think they'd be happy about that....since I know alot of people just can't take my "personality"
Hence why it think any issues reported should be looked into... but no instead I am now posting this into my blog making a 5 mile long explination on why I think any report from a member (if legit) when another is helping another member should be looked into.
We're all suppose to be helpful, it's how we get the rewards here, but now we're being told in not so many words, "sorry can't help because your not that person..." :S Guess it puts a full new spin to the saying if you want something done, do it yourself.
Kinda would suck if (hypethetically), your a member who looses power JUST as you find out someone is hacking your account...What happens to the 48 hour protection then expecialy if a staffer says, no they have to put in their own report...if you were to call a friend and ask them to help...
I assume I'll get into trouble for voicing my opinion on this matter as well.
thanks for listening.