a sad story

17 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
29th Nov 2007 13:56bj1996:hey your one of my mara pals and i am bored so i decied to talk to you k
Junior57:me too no one i know is on and hey just bought costumes and look at my shop!!!!!
bj1996:i have been dieing to tell someone this i am going to get a new violin tomorrow.
Junior57h ok cool i didnt know you play violin
bj1996:yeah, i will be right back i have cancer and i have to go get a blood sample k
Junior57:you have cancer????? wow that must be terrible hope they find a cure
bj1996:i dout it i am on a hospital computer be right back
Junior57:i feel sorry for you how long were you there??????
bj1996:at the hospital i here right now but i have been here for just over 6 weeks
Junior57:where you sad when you found out???
bj1996:i didnt find out until i was rushed to the hospital by a life lite helacopter i didnt know what was going on until i got there and the doctors told my parents and my parrents told me
Junior57:how old were you??????
bj1996:same age i am now 12
Junior57:did you ever think that you had cancer????
bj1996:no not at all i am trying to get 1 millon mp before i might die so would you like to say good bye?????
Junior57:dont say that youll live
if you care post this in your profile