I'm here!!

17 years, 3 months & 10 days ago
5th Dec 2007 09:48YES I am now moved!! WHOOT! freedom! Freedom, gotta give what ya take! (George Michaels you said it well!


dances around , Hello Maradan world yes I made my move from a hateful place and am now without a cent to my name, I own nothing and I couldn't be happier!!!
My mom is so proud of me for the break away

Collage will follow, I will be doing more with programming, I'll be taking courses in flash design and programming and more since it's what I know which means in 2 years time I'll have my own RPG game I created years ago finally done and maybe be lucky enough for someone to pick it up

lol ya never know weirder things have happened

anyway I know one person is gonna be wondering where I moved to

She will have a fit when she finds out LOL

Oh sometime after Christmas I'm going to have fun, I'll be touring the Web kins toy company's main programming office and site with a friend of mine who's flying us out there My kids are so excited. (If I'm lucky enough once I get my training, I'll be working them soon to, nothing like working in your PJ's LOL) dances... damn gotta love it when you got the know how...
Oh and I will finally get to meet one of my marapals from here

Sillypete! WHOOT! can't wait girl!!!
OH and for those who follow me on DA, my book is ALMOST done, but since everyone but I have Vista on their computer, my stupid flash drive can't be accessed so I can down load stuff from it to my site in DA so if Your wondering when the other chapters will be up don't worrie it's on it's way but it will be done

when it goes up. YES there will be more pictures to! LOL